Fit for Life: What’s Your Net Worth? Read to Find Out

Saturday, March 23, 2024


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There is a term in the business world that your net worth equals your net worth. 

It's similar to the product of 5, meaning you become the average of the 5 closest people you hang around in your circle. 



If you hang with people who work out and stay fit, you will most likely do the same. If you hang with five people who sit around and gossip and engage in negative banter, so will you. If you hang with five millionaires, you will strive to be one too.

I belong to four different networking groups/masterminds, each serving a different purpose and impacting my life differently. 


The Project is a group of savage men who all went through 75 hours of mental, physical, and emotional suffering that built us into better leaders, making us resilient to adversity. It has helped me with the no-excuse mindset, so I do the hard things we NEED to do instead of just checking the box and doing the bare minimum to get by. Lots of masculine bravado in this group that encourages us to suffer through pain and keep moving forward despite the circumstances life throws at us. 


The Fit Body Mastermind group comprises about 50 hungry gym owners who all want to grow and thrive in their businesses. They supply us with invaluable information pertinent to creating systems for growth and domination in the fitness industry. Resources include everything from client experience and marketing strategies to structuring our team tasks and titles. We meet weekly on Zoom and 3 times per year in person for constant training and development. 


I belong to a BNI networking chapter where I and 35 other business owners from vastly different fields meet every Friday at 7:30 am to network and create referral opportunities for each other to grow our businesses and network. I have 4 people from the group as my current members at Providence Fit Body Boot Camp and have also sent others business. This is a great way to get in front of people and show how we can benefit each other. 


Next is the Todd Durkin Mastermind group, consisting of primarily fit pros and gym owners from around the country. We meet on Zoom once per month and twice in person, and we attend "retreats" in different parts of the country. One of those times is always somewhere in the mountains, as the mountains create a powerful and soulful experience. These retreats focus on business, but they go deeper than just the fundamentals; they require us to work on ourselves personally first, so we have the capacity and mental capacity to operate professionally at the highest level. 


This is what I consider a "heart-centered" mastermind group. 

I just left a meet-up with this group in Del Ray, Florida; as usual, it didn't disappoint. When I left, my cup was full, and I was mentally recharged to grow, even if it was only 1% at a time. I will share some takeaways so you can have some resources to implement and add value to your life and current situation. 


Your time on earth is a lot shorter than your time in eternity. Give this a thought, and it will make you realize that life is short, but we will be dead for a long time. So make the most of your short years here on earth and create an impact to leave a legacy behind. You may not be here for a long time, but if you do the right things, your legacy will. 

YOU ARE GOING TO RUN OUT OF HEALTH BEFORE YOU RUN OUT OF MONEY. This goes out to those who focus on money before taking care of themselves. Prioritize yourself and your health to avoid this. Remember, a healthy man has 10,000 dreams, but a sick man will have only 1.

The leader in the room is the one with the highest standards. You need high standards and high expectations from your team to succeed. If your standards waiver, so will the people following you. 

People and opportunities—Always be aware of and capitalize on both. I have many people I can seek help from, and they know they can do the same with me. Opportunities are everywhere, but they get wasted when we don't take advantage of and utilize them. Don't just seek opportunity; capitalize on it.

We are constantly being tested. Rise to the occasion. We will encounter daily problems. Be ready for them and respond accordingly. When prepared, we don't need to be as reactive and usually experience favorable results. When you define issues correctly, you almost already have the solution. 

I can't say whether things will get better if we change; they must change to improve. Somewhere, somehow, changes need to occur in order to grow and improve. Not all changes need to be massive; actually, it's the small incremental changes compounded that will net us serious growth.

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. Don't complain about what's out of your control; be the one adjusting the sails, as change won't occur without your input and ability to take massive action.

We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. - This hits home, as I have some things in my past that needed to be let go in order to move to the next level in life. Don't be afraid to break the chains of your past because the longer they hold you back, the longer you will be a prisoner. 

There are just a few segments of what I took away from this impactful and iconic weekend. I needed to share them with you because knowledge is only power if you implement it and share it with others so they can benefit from it too. 


Remember, a rising tide lifts ALL ships, but you need to have your boat in the water for it to rise!!

Coach Matt


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