Fit for Life: Here’s Your Trophy

Saturday, October 07, 2023


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It's great to give young children participation trophies.


Children under five should be rewarded for "trying" something new, even if they are not good at it.



But I also think it should stop there, or soon after because after a certain age, we need to stop getting awarded or receiving positive affirmation for just "trying."


I know this sounds mean, and I know I am black or white on some issues, but the fact is that mediocre or average performances shouldn't receive awards.


My rationale or thought process behind this is that we will never raise our standards or try to improve if we are constantly getting a pat on the back and an "atta boy" for doing just the bare minimum to get by.


Exceeding expectations is necessary to be considered outstanding or going above and beyond.


We are currently living in an age where mediocrity is acceptable, and we are lowering our standards to meet people where they are based on lackluster human performance.


When we lower military physical requirements, standardized academic testing, and make it more convenient to be obese, we are not setting people up for success but accepting mediocrity. We are losing the war.  


I told my high school football team that we sucked as a football team after getting beat 42-0 last Friday night by a team that wasn't that good. I started my talk by letting them know I liked them all as individuals and thought some had individual talent, but as a team, we sucked. There is no sugarcoating or unjustified praise, just honest, data-driven feedback.


I told them the problem, then gave them some solutions.


I told them that if we wanted to win games, we needed to change our attitude and team dynamic and start caring about the outcome. I want to win, but I can't want it more than them, so they needed to reassess their "why" for putting on their helmets and pads and make some drastic changes if they're going to win any games this season.


I GIVE A BIGGER TIP when I get outstanding service at a restaurant.


I still tip for "just showing up," but my tip is always better when a waiter or waitress goes above and beyond their call of duty. If I am greeted with enthusiasm, never wait for my water glass to be filled, plates are cleared, clean utensils are given after each course, and it looks like the person is genuinely committed to providing a fantastic experience, they get 25% added to the bill. If not, they get the "standard" amount.


You are either "doing" or "not doing", as there is no "try".


When it comes to eating well and working on your health and fitness, there is no "in-between".

If you are tracking your food, eating whole processed foods, drinking the required amount of water, getting to bed on time, and working out at least 3 times per week, you are doing the work required for optimal health and fitness.


On the other hand, if you are having a couple of drinks several times per week, diving into the bread basket when it comes to the table, eating desserts regularly, taking shortcuts, missing meals, and going to the gym, you are NOT doing the required work to get fit and healthy. Therefore, you will not be awarded with excellent results.


Do you think you are a good person? Do you look strangers in the eye and say hello? Do you hold the door open for people? Do you let people merge on the highway & take turns at a 4-way stop sign? Do you put your shopping cart back after loading your groceries? Do you wipe down public restroom counters when you drip water on them?


If you do all these little things, you are most likely NOT a selfish person and do right by others. Being a good, impactful person isn't measured by how much money you make or a title you may carry but by the little things that you pay forward to others. You are doing good things when you make a stranger smile and bring value to others.


If you speed up to block someone from merging in your lane, text while driving, hold people up, rip people off, and don't provide value to someone else, those are signs of a self-centered person. Beware, karma is a bitch!!


We will never be perfect and may never receive trophies, but we can try to be a little better each day. When we work on improving ourselves, it gives us the power and ammunition to enhance others.


When we feel and look better and have more energy, vitality, and self-confidence, we are setting ourselves up for long-term success and creating more ability to help someone else improve their situation.


Give yourself credit for small wins.


If you consciously attempt to self-improve every day, you are doing what's required to win. Shoot for small victories daily; you will be amazed at how the small stuff compiles into significant accomplishments.


Realize that the real prize, or championship trophy, is reserved for consistent winning. Repetition is the mother of skill, and victory is secured for those who continuously put in the work daily, even when they don't feel like it.


Remember, "trying" is basically a bullshit label we put on not making progress. If you put in the work every day and strive to be 1% better, you are "doing".


When you "do," you are getting better results in the gym, you are getting promotions at work, you are delivering an aura of positivity that infects others and adds value to their lives (even if you just make someone smile), and you are creating impact!!


Do the work every day & you will earn your trophies!!


Coach Matt


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