Fit for Life: Raise The Bar

Saturday, February 10, 2024


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This past week, I had the privilege of traveling to Miami and spending two intense days with my Fit Body Mastermind group, connecting, learning, and sharing ideas and expertise.


The Mastermind group is the tip of the spear in the organization. It consists of owners willing to spend extra time, money, and effort on themselves and business development.



That's not to say that owners not in this group don't work hard and have passion for their business, but the mastermind group wants to align and take things to another level. I say this because it requires leaving your business and family, spending a lot of money, and sacrificing a lot of time to be involved.


There are keynote speakers, lots of networking, and strategic planning during these meet-ups. There is also a lot of connection and camaraderie amongst the owners who attend these conferences. These people make up my network of colleagues and friends. We help, support, and genuinely want each other to grow.


We also share some of the same issues and concerns with running our business, and that is why it's so important to me to be active and present in this group of individuals. As said earlier, other owners outside this group are also passionate, successful, and working hard on their business. However, the level of learning, implementing new systems/strategies, and the human connection are lost by not being at these live events.


As I regroup on the plane ride home, I revisit and organize my notes, select a few significant action steps and takeaways, and then prepare to implement them on my team so we can better serve our members. In this article, I will share some big takeaways so you can implement and grow from what I have learned.


The event MC was my good friend from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, CJ, who earned the nickname 7 Figure CJ due to his success in creating a location that earned seven figures in revenue. His opening remarks were, "Make sure you get a lot of good takeaways these next couple of days, but more importantly, be sure you leave something behind.


I interpreted "leave something behind" in two different ways:

1. Leave some limiting beliefs and things not serving you behind, then go home and make a fresh start.

2. Leave some knowledge and experience in the room so others can benefit from what worked or is working for you.


I did both. I ensured I helped anyone who asked for my advice, and I also left behind the glass ceiling and beliefs that could prevent myself and my team from reaching our goals this year.


The first keynote speaker was Dave Murray from the DiJulius group. This customer service-based consulting company works with top organizations like Starbucks, Chick-fil-A Filet, and Nordstrom, to name a few. These organizations pride themselves on outstanding customer service and creating relationships over customer transactions. As a Fit Body Boot Camp brand, we want to emulate their success and customer satisfaction.


His opening statement was, "There is always room to raise the bar."

This holds true at all levels of our lives. Are you doing well at work? Good, but there is always room for growth. Are you eating well? Excellent, but you can always find ways to do better. Are you a good parent? Great, but what can you do to be more present in your kid's life and raise the bar?


That said, it's impossible to be perfect in life, but you also need to know that complacency kills growth, and there is room to grow in all of us. We at Providence Fit Body Boot Camp feel like a world-class organization. However, we constantly strive for improvement to take our game to the next level. I have pages of notes to share with my team so I can instill new mindsets and tactical strategies that will elevate our services and satisfy our members even better.


On day two, we enjoyed listening to a gentleman who was a longtime mentor to our CEO, Bryce. His presentation was an excellent 'real-world' depiction of a successful entrepreneur, and it also gave us many mindset and tactical strategies for success.


As entrepreneurs, we habitually relate success to our bottom line and how much money we earn; however, this guy gave us an impactful exercise that opened my vision of success and made me realize that we get paid in other ways besides cash and currency. Success often robs us of joy as we make enormous sacrifices while chasing success.


The question was, "What are five ways you can get paid without exchanging money?". This was a tough one for us until he gave us his five examples. Then, it resonated, and we all came up with our top five. I will provide you with mine so you can try this exercise and then realize that money is one of many forms of payment we can receive.


My five ways to get paid without receiving $$ are:

1. Freedom to get out in nature: Being your own boss means long hours but also a certain level of freedom. Breaking away during the day to hit the trails is a great form of payment for my hard work.

2. Opportunity to travel: Whether it's for business or on vacation with Melody, I love to get away from home, see different places, and experience different cities and countries.

3. Credibility: When someone asks for my advice, I am happy to give my opinion and knowledge. I feel like they trust what I have to say and consider me credible. When you feel credible, it's validation, recognition, and a testament that you may know a thing or two.  

4. Appreciation: I appreciate when someone goes out of their way for me, and when I hear, 'Thanks, I appreciate that' and I feel appreciated back, it's a feeling money cannot buy.

5. Human Connection: I travel to connect with several different groups, and when I leave each one of these groups, my cup gets filled. I love being around people who inspire me to grow, and I like to help others do the same. No amount of money can replace good human connection.


So there are a few takeaways from last week's trip. I hope you get some value from my notes and learnings, as knowledge is only helpful if you take action or share it.


Use one or more of these tactics to elevate your life to the next level. Everyone has room for growth.


Coach Matt


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