Fit for Life: Fight the Opposition

Saturday, November 11, 2023


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This past weekend, I attended a father-son program called The Squire Program. It consisted of 16 fathers / one man mentoring & 18 young boys aged 13-17.

The concept of this program was to bond the fathers and sons through adversity, physical punishment, teamwork, leadership, and communication so the boys could experience a right of passage into manhood & earn their seat at the table.

This particular sector of the Squire Program (now licensed across the country) was run by 5 badass Marine Special Forces men in Surf City, North Carolina. Each had their own demeanor and coaching style, and as a junior instructor, I had the privilege to observe and learn from these men.


Throughout the program, which was a mix of physical punishment & classroom-style self-development talks, I kept hearing the term "fight the opposition" because the Opposition doesn't want you to win.

As we got deeper into the program, I realized what the Opposition is and how it relates to every human being walking the earth.


The Opposition is anyone or anything that wants to keep us weak, docile, dependent, and compliant.

To be needy victims so it can maintain control over us.


When it gets described like that, we immediately think of the Government, and rightfully so, as the past two administrations have been at such opposite ends of the spectrum that they're keeping us divided as a nation.

However, my article is called "Fit for Life", so I will stay in my lane and discuss what we can control and the actions we can take to "fight the opposition."

The most significant Opposition, or competition for me, and my industry isn't other gyms or trainers in the field; it's the big food manufacturers. It's the companies that hire scientists to develop food that get us addicted to the point we lose control of not only our appetite but also our health.


Eating a Dorito is designed to melt in your mouth and stimulate your senses, so you continue eating them until the bag is gone. When you go to McDonald's, your hamburger isn't 100% beef but loaded with additives and fillers, so they can be mass-produced at a bigger profit. But doesn't stop there. The aisles of the supermarket are filled with foods without any nutritional value, loaded with sugar and chemicals to keep us addicted and dependent.

Drug companies and doctors work together to keep folks in a vicious cycle of needing medication to treat the symptoms of our ailments as opposed to getting to the root problem and solving the issue.


Nutrition and exercise are the gateway drugs to solving issues like obesity, anxiety, depression, and any other inflammatory responses in the body.

When you go to the doctor for knee or joint pain, the first question they should ask is.. how's your diet?

When you are depressed or anxious, the question should be, what's your purpose, mission, activity level, and who do you surround yourself with daily?


In some cases, doctors and medication are necessary. However, I have researched and seen firsthand that the need is less prevalent when you eat a balanced, nutritious diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly.

When kids are hyperactive, it's usually a symptom of a sugar-filled diet and a lack of activity.

Not many people are born with a methamphetamine deficiency. Yet, a massive amount of prescriptions are written for Adderall and  Ritalin every day.


Kids need to run, play, and eat properly instead of being glued to the chair playing video games and eating processed foods loaded with sugar and chemicals!!

These are just a few examples of "The Opposition", as there are many more, like the cell phone in your pocket and the television on your wall. Still, for time's sake, it's more important to give some solutions and how to fight back and gain control of your life.


It's simple, yet not easy, as it requires hard work, discipline, and consistency to be effective.


1. Take control of your health through proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care. This is the number one thing in our control and will solve many problems. Whether you are a parent or own a business, you are called upon to LEAD; however, you can only effectively lead others once you lead yourself and set the examples you want others to follow.

2. Increase your finances. Money doesn't buy us happiness, but it solves many problems in life. It allows us to buy back our time and make things more attainable to live a happier and less stressful life. It will enable us to buy better food, give to charities, and help the people around us. The world is full of opportunity; we must look for it and take action.

3. Be useful. This is the title of Arnold Schwarzenegger's new book, and it's a must-read for everyone who wants to be better in life. He gives 7 tools for life, from "setting a vision", to "shutting your mouth and opening your mind". The one advice his father gave him that he hung on to his entire life was to be useful. I will take that advice and continue to set my life goals around solving problems and helping others do the same.

4. Invest in yourself and continue to learn and improve on all levels. Don't just take the advice and opinions of others (including myself). Do your research, read books, attend seminars and conferences. There is no limit to what you can learn, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

5. Work hard. This is last on the list, yet it is the most significant factor for success. All other advice is useless garbage unless you are willing to put in the work. EVERYTHING in life is going to require work. Health, finances, knowledge, and fulfillment will only be possible if you do the work needed. This universal trait applies to EVERYONE, regardless of race, religion, or economic status.


So, to simplify the process and help you arm yourself to "FIGHT THE OPPOSITION", you need to look in the mirror and start improving yourself.


When you do that, you can lead others and give them the tools to stand beside you and fight by your side. When we get enough firepower, the Opposition doesn't stand a chance!! Now go out and be useful!!


Coach Matt


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