Fit for Life: Think, Dream, Do…

Saturday, October 14, 2023


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Photo: Matt Espeut & Todd Durkin at Todd Durkin Fall retreat: Think. Dream. Do.- Creating a World that does not yet exist

I was on the West Coast last weekend, attending an event with one of the mastermind groups I am part of.

I belong to 2 major mastermind groups that have approximately 100 people in each group.

One is the Fit Body Boot Camp group, and the other is the Todd Durkin Mastermind group. (which is the one I attended this past weekend.)



I am also part of a smaller mastermind, run by a friend and Project brother named David Gilbert, called The Golden Life Mastermind, which is smaller and more intimate, as he is just getting started on his coaching journey.


I belong to the 2 big groups because they provide balance in my life.


The Fit Body one is explicitly designed for FBBC owners, and they provide us all the resources to run our businesses at the highest level. It consists of the highest performers in the brand, and we share what's working, what's not, what systems to use, what promotions to run, and how to care for our members and team so we can add value to their lives, and create an environment that they won't want to leave.


Being around these people lights me up and makes me want to be a better leader and entrepreneur on all levels.


Todd Durkin gives us the tools to run ourselves. I consider this a more "heart-centered" mastermind group.

He gets us deep into our souls and brings out the best version of ourselves. There are a lot of emotions swirling around the room during our time together.


Lots of writing, thinking, soul searching, crying, and hugs are present throughout the weekend as people get vulnerable and discuss their wins and losses.


I even get choked up and glossy-eyed while doing some writing exercises he has us do.

Some examples would be writing your tombstone statement and journeying to visit yourself 20 years in the future.


Intense, impactful stuff.


Knowledge is POWER only if you follow it with action and share it with others, so I will share some key takeaways from last weekend's event with you so you can pay it forward and impact someone else's life.


The theme of this past weekend was Think, Dream, Do - Creating A World That Does Not Yet Exist.


So why create a world that does not exist yet?

1. To proliferate and get your gifts out there so we can live with more fulfillment. So we can exist in a world that WE create. Remember the "good old days?" Well, we are living ours RIGHT NOW!!

2. The world and its people need it right now. We all can change the world in some way, shape, or form, and it is up to us individually to create a better place for us all to live.


Some ways to help someone live their best lives:


Listen to them, encourage them, and challenge them to get outside their comfort zone.

If you ignore, discourage, or coddle someone, you won’t be able to help them improve their lives on any level.

Listen to understand and encourage them to take calculated risks, as people will only grow through adversity and discomfort. You won't help anyone by enabling them, so use language that instills confidence and continually barrages them with positivity.


Get in their heads and hearts.


What's your level of focus on the things most important to you? How much time do you spend with your family, friends, and the people you care about, and how much time and focus do you give your livelihood and income?

Are you creating balance in these areas?


Some people wear being too "busy" as a badge of honor on their sleeve. However, few people lay on their deathbed, wishing they spent more time at work.


Yes, sometimes we must create a "Strategic, intentional imbalance" focused on creating a specific outcome or goal. However, we can't live a work/life imbalance all the time, or we will never grow in particular areas of life.


What's the cost of a life of regret if you don't focus and fulfill your BIG picture? The solution is to do more and be more of what's important to you. FOCUS on what's important to you so you will never live with regret.


Showing up at your kid's game, putting away your phone, being present at family dinners, reaching out and making someone's day, and taking care of your own health and fitness are things you can start doing today that will eliminate the feeling of regret later on in life.


We are precisely where we are supposed to be RIGHT NOW.


The past is gone, so use it as feedback and don't dwell or become a victim.

The future has yet to happen. However, the things you are doing RIGHT NOW will enhance your chances of winning in the future. The more you know the "already," the less you worry about the "not yet."


Surrender trying to control the outcome; instead, focus on actions that create the result!!


A quote from the CEO of FBBC goes like this:

"If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority," so I will leave you with this…….


The “Core 4” in life are as follows:


Health and Fitness

Finances and career

Life experiences


Focus on the ones you are neglecting and need more focus, and you will not only live with more fulfillment but eliminate the possibility of living with regret.


Coach Matt


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