Fit for Life: My 31-Day Journey

Saturday, February 03, 2024


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On 1/1/2024, I committed to accept a 31-day challenge called the Impact 3 /January challenge.

I don't do the "resolution thing," as I try to improve daily, hone in on my annual goals, and block out the noise, negative thoughts, conversations, and excuses that hold us back.

Resolutions are usually bull, vague statements we make that fail by February 1 or sooner.


Instead of resolutions, make specific commitments and goals, then relentlessly take steps daily to accomplish them.

That said, I love a good challenge, and the 31-day challenge I just completed was epic.


The challenge consisted of:

• Workout 6+ days per week for 30+ minutes

• Drink 1/2 your body weight in oz. water daily

• Clean eating - no sugar / no alcohol/ lots of protein

• No phone first & last 30 minutes of the day & less than 2 hours social media daily

• Meditate 10 minutes daily

• Journal 5 minutes daily

• Send 3 encouraging texts daily

• Stretch 5 minutes daily

• Then add a rule of your own


I conquered all of the above easily except the stretching and meditation. I did them, but not every day.

I considered walks in the woods as meditation, but that may not count because I was moving and thinking, and meditation is supposed to be still and with a blank mind.

I stretched every day, but not always for 5 minutes.

Also, some of my encouragement texts came as phone calls.


The rest of the above list consisted of things I usually do daily, so it didn't seem like too much of a challenge. Therefore, I added several rules of my own to take it to another level.


I went ahead and cut all forms of caffeine, gluten, and dairy and put down the THC for the entire month. This enhanced the challenge's caliber because I love coffee, pizza on Sunday, and a few puffs during the week. I also took a cold shower and read for 15 minutes daily throughout the month.  


Throughout the month, people asked me questions such as: Why are you doing this? How can you quit coffee? Are you tempted to cheat? When it's over, are you dying to indulge?


And the answers I gave were:


I am doing it to step out of my comfort zone, sharpen the sword, and reset myself to function on my natural faculties.

I wanted to rely on my energy, not caffeine, to make it through the day. I tried to sleep naturally and not rely on THC to make me sleep better, and I wanted to dial in my nutrition by eating natural whole foods and see how I felt and looked when my diet was perfect.


I went through severe caffeine withdrawals and had a pounding headache the first week. However, the cold showers and adequate sleep kept me functioning throughout the day.


Was I tempted to cheat? Never. As tough as it was smelling my girlfriend's coffee every morning and watching people eating pizza during a playoff game, I made a non-negotiable commitment to do this for 31 days. I never used the word "try" or "attempt", I created an identity & mindset that I was finishing, regardless of the circumstances.


It's February 1, so what happens now that it's over?

Here's what will happen: First, I am going until Saturday. I don't just want to "make it" to the finish line; I want to run over it. I will continue all the non-negotiable habits I had before the challenge and moderate the things I eliminated.


I am currently below 10% body fat, my abs are dialed in, my strength in the gym is solid, and I feel amazing, so why not use these 31 days as a stepping stone to improvement rather than a challenge with an end date?


Why am I telling you all this, and how does it apply to you?

Listen, as I have said in the past, nobody cares but me. I didn't write this to impress anyone but to influence everyone reading to believe that when you set your mind to something, everyone can do it.


It's not about having discipline. It's about making commitments and making them a priority.


Everybody has discipline. If you get up in the morning for work, shower, and brush your teeth daily, you have discipline. It's factory-installed in all of us. However, it's what you make a priority, a non-negotiable, and focus on that will determine if you're successful or not.


It's more of a self-worth issue and making yourself a priority. Saying the time isn't right or making excuses proves you feel you're not worth the time and effort.


Instead of letting every little obstacle get in your way, determine what's important to you, make a commitment to accomplish it, attack with laser-like focus, and let nothing get in your way.


I promise you that when you accomplish little goals like this 31-day challenge, you will elevate yourself to a higher level and not only feel physically great but also mentally accomplished.


If I can do it, so can you!!


Coach Matt


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