Fit for Life: Be Water

Saturday, January 06, 2024


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PHOTO: Melody Gamba

As I sat on Sunset Cliffs in beautiful Ocean Beach, San Diego, this past week, watching the powerful waves from the storm crash on the rocks, I became mesmerized by the power and beauty in front of me.

All I could think about were the words from the great Bruce Lee: Be water.

He quotes: Empty your mind, be formless, be water. Water becomes what you put it in. Water flows, water crashes.


After watching the waves for a while, I came up with a few entries for my journal describing the similarities of water to our everyday lives. I may not be as philosophical as Bruce Lee. However, I will share them with you anyway.

There are signs throughout the cliff walk that caution people to stay back due to the erosion caused by the ocean.

This didn't happen overnight, but from days, months, and years of the water constantly pounding against the shoreline and eroding the rocks and soil, making it dangerous and enhancing the possibility of the ground breaking into the ocean.

It's a slow process, but in time, much damage has been done over the years.


The same goes for your life.

If you live an unhealthy lifestyle, you are slowly eroding your health. This also doesn't happen overnight.

If you constantly eat crap food, don't exercise, drink, smoke, and lack sleep and water, over time, you deteriorate your health and fitness to a level you become overweight, out of shape, and likely sick.

The opposite holds true if you are doing all the right things. If you are eating well, living a healthy lifestyle, and doing things that will move the needle forward, you will succeed with these actions over time.

As to the flow analogy, I watched the waves crash on the rocks and form every nook and cranny as they spread across the surface; I realized that sometimes we need to conform to our environment and current situations.


This is a perfect example of the 3 C’s I live by.


Control what you can Cope with what you can't, and Concentrate on what matters.

In other words, be like water and don’t try to resist the things that are out of your control.

Things like traffic, the weather, and politics are not worth getting heated up and stressed over, so just flow with the circumstances and control what's in your power.

Water also provides tranquility; therefore, we all can be calm when necessary.

I have learned over the past few years to stay in the zone and avoid stressing myself out over trivial bullshit. Most problems can be solved when you have a solution mindset, so when a problem arises, don't let it paralyze you; find a way to fix it.

Except for a real tragedy, I don't let small things bother me anymore, as I expend my time and energy into doing something that will net me a positive result.

In addition to all that is beautiful and calming, water strikes with speed and becomes unstoppable, and we should all live with that mindset.

Take advantage of the opportunities presented to you quickly, as they may not be around tomorrow. Like Cobra Kai teaches their students, Strike first, Strike hard, No mercy.

This is especially true in business, as money loves speed. You must act fast when you get a lead; otherwise, they will find your competition. When you see a good deal, you better act fast. Otherwise, it will be gone, so don't wait.

The world moves fast; if you want to be considered a high performer, you better do the same.


To sum things up,

Water has the power to erode the strongest of structures

Water flows to adapt to any surface or environment

Water strikes so fast, it’s unstoppable

Water is tranquil and can be calm and serene.


Be water.


Committed to your success,

Coach Matt


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