Horowitz: President Obama - A Consequential and Successful Presidency

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


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Ernest Hemingway famously defined courage as “grace under pressure.”  These words fit President Obama perfectly. 

Through victory and defeat, good times and bad, President Obama nearly always managed to rise to the occasion, conveying calm and in Lincoln’s words, appealing to the “better angels of our nature.” This is all the more impressive when one considers that he faced relentless scrutiny as our first African-American President and eight years of constant and often vicious partisan attacks. The Presidency does not build character; it reveals it and Barack Obama demonstrated an abundance of it.

Most Americans, whether they agree or disagree with President Obama’s decisions and policy proposals, admire the way he represented us here at home and around the world.  This, as much as his impressive record of accomplishment, accounts for his high job approval ratings.


The accomplishments, however, are consequential. In January 2009, the month Obama first assumed the Oval Office,  we lost more than 800,000 jobs and there was a real danger of financial collapse. President Obama’s actions, building on the rescue efforts of Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson,  saved the nation from another Great Depression. He acted decisively and non-ideologically to restore fiscal soundness to our big banks and other key pillars of our financial system, saved the US Auto industry, which is thriving once again, and demonstrated steady and competent economic leadership. The unemployment rate, which reached 10% early in his first term, has been cut in more than half—the largest decrease in the unemployment rate since Roosevelt.

Similarly, President Obama’s successful drive to win adoption of the Affordable Care Act, better known has Obamacare, has brought us close to the goal of universal coverage with 20 million more Americans insured today, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans by half. And the law benefits all of us by preventing insurance companies from denying coverage because of preconditions—a popular feature that the Republicans now threatening to repeal Obamacare promise to keep in place.

Perhaps most important, President Obama’s actions at home, buttressing his proactive diplomacy abroad, put the world on the right path to avoid the worst consequences of global warming.  The landmark Paris Climate Agreement, largely a result of Obama’s efforts,  is the first time nearly all the nations of the world—developed and developing nations alike, agreed to lower greenhouse gas emissions.  The progress made under President Obama, along with the forward momentum generated,  leave a well-marked path to maintaining a livable planet even if President-elect Trump works to dismantle these initiatives.

There are just a few of his big accomplishments. But it is the case that despite his best efforts, President Obama was not able to fundamentally change our politics. We are as divided--if not more so--than the day he took office.  His attempts at bi-partisanship, such as the so-called Grand Bargain, by and large, did not succeed. While this was mostly a result of a built-in partisan polarization and Republican determination to oppose him on every front, it is fair to say that his personal outreach to members of Congress was fitful and would remind no one of LBJ or other masters in this area.

 Despite these defeats in Congress, he did not demonize his opponents and remained an optimist about what he could accomplish and about the nation .Unlike President- elect Trump, who appears determined to use the Presidential bully pulpit to bully and settle scores, President Obama used it to place the events of the day in context and to offer a sense of optimism and hope firmly grounded in the promise of America.

As President Obama leaves the office this Friday, he departs not only as a successful two-term President—one who we can confidently say “left the nation better than he found it’, but as a true patriot.  I end my column with the conclusion of his farewell address-words that all Americans, Republicans, Democrats or Independents should take to heart:

“My fellow Americans, it has been the honor of my life to serve you. I won't stop. In fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my remaining days. But for now, whether you are young or whether you're young at heart, I do have one final ask of you as your President — the same thing I asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago. I'm asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change — but in yours.

I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice; that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written: Yes, we can.

Yes, we did. Yes, we can. 

Thank you. God bless you. May God continue to bless the United States of America”


Rob Horowitz is a strategic and communications consultant who provides general consulting, public relations, direct mail services and polling for national and state issue organizations, elected official and candidates.  He is an Adjunct Professor of Political


Related Slideshow: Trump’s Win - What Does it Mean for Rhode Island?

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Jennifer Duffy

Cook Report

"We don't really know what a Trump presidency means for the nation, never mind the smallest state.  One of the unintended consequences of last night's results is that Sen. Jack Reed won't be chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.  Chalk that up as a loss for RI."

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Pam Gencarella

Head of Ocean State Taxpayers' Association

"Trump’s win means that his signature issue, illegal immigration, could have a big impact on RI, hopefully reversing our course as a sanctuary state and saving the state taxpayer millions of dollars.  While we agree with his 'repeal and replace' Obamacare stance, we have no idea what that means to the RI debacle known as UHIP.  It is not a stretch to believe that federal funding for this kind of system will be off the table so, will RI be stuck with this massively expensive system that still doesn’t work and that is expected to cost another $124 million to fix?  

Trump's belief that there is significant fraud in the Food Stamp program and the policies that may come from that belief could have a negative impact on RI's local economy since there are businesses in certain cities that rely heavily on this program, fraud and all. On the upside, we may be able to ditch the UHIP program if there is significantly less need for processing welfare program requests (ie. Medicaid and food stamps) resulting from fewer illegal immigrants and less fraud.  While we are ambivalent about his touted child care policies, if enacted, it may force our legislators to revisit the ever growing state cost of subsidies in this area and possibly reduce the fraud and abuse in this system." 

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Kay Israel

Professor at Rhode Island College

"With a Republican President and Congress, Rhode Island will probably be excluded from the 'fruits of victory."  

The congressional delegation will be able to vocally make their presence felt, but in the long term it's more symbolic than substantive.  

For Rhode Island it's a matter of holding on and waiting until '18 or '20 and a surge in Democratic influence."

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Jennifer Lawless

Professor at American University

"The RI congressional delegation just became even less powerful than it was. With unified government, Trump doesn’t need to quell Democrats’ concerns or acquiesce because he’s worried about a Democratically-controlled Senate.

His appointments will reflect that. His executive orders will affect that. And the conservative policy agenda he puts forward will affect that."

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Len Lardaro

Professor at University of Rhode Island

"Well there's a few things -- because there's not going to be gridlock, that's a big difference if it had been Hillary and a GOP Congress, in which nothing would got done. We'll at least get a half a billion in infrastructure that's going to pass which will have an impact.

I think you'll see there will be reduced reliance on government nationally -- and that's where we'll stick out like sore thumb. We've relied way too much on government -- and our government is highly inefficient and ineffective.  Maybe, just maybe, in this who cycle of things we might be forced to be small and more efficient for once.

A couple of other things -- interest rates jumped. The one to follow is the ten year government bond rate -- which is tied to mortgages. It went from 1.7% to 2.05% in one day. The point is -- if the ten year stays high, mortgage rates will start going higher -- and in the short time people will run to re-finance. 

That's the short term impact -- but then if rates stay hight, that will make mortgages more out of reach. And we just passed a bond issue to limit open space -- housing has limited upside here.
The next thing -- the Fed Reserve will go ahead with tightening next month. A strong dollar will hurt manufacturing. When the dollar is strong our exports become more expensive overseas. 

Our goods production sector -- manufacturing and construction -- in the near term will do a little better, but as time goes on will be more limited. But something you won't hear, is there are lags in fiscal policy, of six months to year. So we won't really see the effects until the third our fourth quarter of 2017, going into 2018."

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Mike Stenhouse

RI Center for Freedon and Prosperity

"As the unbelievable turned into reality this morning, it struck me that the presidential election was not really all about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It was about a fed-up people, revolting against a corrupt system - the "beast" - that relentlessly favors insiders. Hillary personified the beast, while Donald personified the slayer.

Sadly, based on election results in our state, Rhode Island's version of the beast lives on. I fear our political class has not learned the lessons from the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump movements - and will continue with their government-centric, anti-family, anti-business status quo."

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Kristina Contreras Fox

VP of Young Democrats of America

"A Trump Presidency means the validation of the ugliest part of America. In RI, as with the rest of the country, the hammer of his hatred will fall hardest on minority communities. Being a blue state doesn't make us immune from this danger.

Trump won over 35% (39.5) of the vote here! We need to look in the mirror, and not lie about what the reflection shows us. No more hiding underneath a blue blanket. I expect those who claim Democratic values to be true to those values. The gulf between words and actions have turned into fertile ground for Trump's message to grow here in RI. If you call yourself a Democrat, if you claim to stand in opposition to Trump, now is the time to prove it. Show up and fight back."


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