Help RI’s Ex-Offenders Shed Scarlett Letter: Guest MINDSETTER ™ Schoos

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


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I’ve read The Scarlet Letter twice, once in high school and once in college. The dynamics of the interaction of Hester, Chillingworth and Dimmesdale as they impacted the fortunes of little Pearl, set against the backdrop of Puritan society were riveting enough. I just didn’t like Hawthorne as a writer. That may be sacrilege, but there it is and I’m sticking to it.

Most of us know the story of Hester Prynne and her adulterous crime. For her “crime” she was required to wear the Scarlett “A” that identified her as an adulteress. She had to wear that “A,” not for a few months or years, but for life. As a result, she was shunned from the community and took up residence on the outskirts of town, taking the random needlepoint job to make ends meet. 

It wasn’t uncommon during the early colonial period to mark, brand, disfigure, or force the wearing of a letter on a person’s garments in order to alert members of a community that a malefactor was among them. These punishments were not designed to be of limited duration, they were life sentences. 


Last week, on April 5, the House Judiciary Committee had to grapple with a modern day “Scarlet Letter.”  House Bill 5736, a bill that would expand the pool of those eligible to petition the Superior Court for expungement of their past criminal record, was taken up by the Committee. I attended that hearing and testified in favor of the bill. (Spoiler alert: it was held for “further study.”)

I testified in favor of this legislation because if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that people who made mistakes long ago in their youth carry those mistakes with them until they die. Like Hester Prynne’s Scarlet “A,” a criminal record, no matter when it was created, all too often constitutes a life sentence. That isn’t justice. Instead it is gratuitous punishment for the sake of a false impression that such punishment makes the rest of us safe. Indeed, the opposite is often true.

I know people who committed non-violent criminal offenses decades ago. They had epiphanies and amended their lives. They furthered their educations, preserved their families, and held jobs – albeit low paying jobs. They have engaged in public service, working in the non-profit sector and often volunteering their time in service of our most vulnerable citizens. 

But no matter how much they tried, they professionally plateaued. In order to make ends meet, they resorted to changing professional direction. One guy I know was denied a chauffer’s license, another was denied a low-skilled job because the BCI exposed his criminal record. Keep in mind that these non-violent offenses were decades old and bore no relation to the people they had become. 

To put it another way, for a few moments of mistaken behavior born of stupidity, youth, or circumstance, just like Hester Prynne, they were condemned to a lifetime of struggle. That is not to say that people shouldn’t be punished.  Indeed they should, but the punishment needs to be related only to past criminal acts. 

Expungement would serve to reward people like those described above (disclosure: they are composites of several people I know) for doing what we all want them to do – earn a good living, raise their families, contribute to the community. A Petition for Expungement triggers a court proceeding where a judge reviews a Petitioner’s history and present circumstances and determines whether to grant the Petitioner’s request. These proceedings do not result in automatic outcomes, but are discretionary and based on evidence before the Court. 

In effect, an expungement seals a criminal record and as such relieves the disabilities described above. People who seek housing, employment, credit, and a whole host of other things that most of us take for granted, can be defined on their accomplishments instead of a few mistaken moments taken out of a lifetime. 

To those who ask  if it wouldn’t be fair that a person be judged on the entirety of one’s history, I would say that it would be fair if life were fair. But it isn’t. We know that ex-offenders earn 40% of the wages of non-offenders for the same work. We know that ex-offenders are 7.5 times less likely economically rise to the top quintile of income, while being twice as likely to be relegated to the lowest income quintile. And we also know that 93% of all employers review and consider a criminal record in their hiring decisions. 

Lifelong disabilities in employment, housing, etc., result in enormous recidivism rates. A recent national study of over 404,000 released prisoners across 30 states showed that within three years of release, 67.8% were rearrested on new crimes,  and within five years of release, 76.6% were rearrested. According to the RI Department of Corrections (RIDOC), 49% of offenders were returned to RICOC within three years of their release. That’s down from the 54% rate in 2004, but it’s still too high. And it’s costly to the state in innumerable ways, not the least of which is that taxpayers pay an annual average of approximately $50,000 to re-incarcerate each of these offenders.

To flesh this out, let’s assume that 3100 inmates are released this year. By 2020, 1519 will be returned to DOC, and will incur a cost of $75 million dollars each year for the duration of their stay in prison. Think of it this way.  We’re spending a lot of money to support a system that doesn’t work, or at least work well as it should. 

The expungement bill would allow deserving folks to put their lives back together.  However, as I told the Committee, it is only one piece of a broader set of reforms that have been initiated in other states with good effect. One reform would initiate a scheme of so-called Certificates of Rehabilitation that would relieve – for deserving folks – discriminatory employment and housing disabilities. Important to this reform is that Certificates of Rehabilitation have the force of law.

Our current system of how we treat ex-offenders cries out for reform. It isn’t merely unjust, but  also economically stupid.  That is unless we like paying tons of money to force the wearing of a modern day Scarlet Letter.

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Geoffrey A. Schoos, Esq is the President of the Rhode Island Center for Law and Public Policy


Related Slideshow: Warwick’s 28 Most Dangerous Sex Offenders

Below is information on the 28 sex offenders who are listed as living in Warwick by state authorities. Public notification is required for Level II and Level III offenders. Level II offenders are deemed to have a moderate risk of re-offending. Level III means there is a high risk. All information on offenders is taken from Sex Offender Community Notification Unit of the State Parole Board. 

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Donald King

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 5/18/1983

Convicted of: 2nd Degree Sexual Assault (Domestic). Victim was a 20 year old female known to the offender.

Victim: 20 year old female known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation expires 11/19/2016

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Harry Gonzalez

Level II Offender 

Date of Birth: 3/1/1966

Convicted of: RI Failure to Register; FL Charge: Attempted Sexual Battery, Victim was an 18 year old female known to the offender.

Victim: 18 year old female known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation has expired. 

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Edward Homer

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 10/28/1983

Convicted of: Child Pornography, Disorderly Conduct (Indecent Exposure)

Victim: No information available 

Community Supervision: Probation expires 11/8/2019.

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John Graichen

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 8/20/1979

Convicted of: Child Pornography

Victim: No Information available

Community Supervision: Probation expires 5/13/2018.

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Bruce Dicarlo

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 3/27/1960

Convicted of: SEXUAL ASSAULT 3RD DEGREE. Victim was a 15 year old male known to the offender at the time of offense.

Victim: 15 year old male known to the offender 

Community Supervision: Probation Expires: 5/23/2009

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Bruce Burdwood

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 7/22/1984

Convicted of: Failure to Register; 3rd Degree Sexual assault. Assaulted a 15 year old female subject had met that day.

Victim: 15 year old female subject had met that day

Community Supervision: Offender will remain under Adult Probation Supervision until July 2006.

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Keith Burns

Level II Offender 

Date of Birth: 1/30/1959

Convicted of: VT charge - Lewd/Lascivious Conduct with a Child.

Victim: Child.

Community Supervision: Lifetime Supervision

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Russell Smith

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 12/6/1973

Convicted of: Possession of Child Pornography.

Victim: No information available

Community Supervision: Probation expires 9/26/2015

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Edward Hartford

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 8/20/1964

Convicted of: Failure to Register

Victim: No Information available 

Community Supervision: Supervision ends 12/16/2028.

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Ronald Jacobs

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 12/20/1965

Convicted of: 1st Degree Sexual Assault. Assaulted a 46 year old female known to the offender.

Victim: 46 year old female known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Will be supervised by Adult Probation until September, 2018. Lifetime Registration.

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Christopher Person

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 10/9/1979

Convicted of: 2nd Degree Sexual Assault. Both victims were 17 year old males who were known to the offender.

Victims: 17 year old males who were known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation expires 5/30/2026.

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Jonathan Nakielny

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 3/10/1975

Convicted of: Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography.

Victim: No information available 

Community Supervision: Probation expires 7/24/2017.

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Thomas McGuire

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 12/30/1977

Convicted of: 2nd Degree Child Molestation. Victim was an 8 year old female at the onset of the offense. She was known to the offender.

Victim: 8 year old female

Community Supervision: Probation expires 10/14/2023.

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Randy Jacques

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 4/12/1981

Convicted of: Subject was convicted of Third Degree Sexual Assault. Victim was a 14 year old female known to the offender.

Victim: 14 year old female known to offender

Community Supervision: Probation has expired for this offense.

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Ray Carpenter

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 3/11/1975

Convicted of: TX conviction of Sexual Assault of a Child. Victim was a 16 year old female the subject had met that day. 

Victim: 16 year old female the subject had met that day.

Community Supervision: Probation has expired. Lifetime Registration.

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Timothy Suttles

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 11/3/1973

Convicted of: 4 cts 3rd Degree Sexual Assault. Victims were a 14 and 15 year old females known to the offender.

Victims: 14 and 15 year old females known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation has expired for these offenses.

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Robert Tooher

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 8/6/1964

Convicted of: Possession of Child Pornography.

Victim: No information available 

Community Supervision: Probation expires 3/14/2016

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Dennis Smith

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 12/6/1961

Convicted of: 2nd degree Child Molestation of a 15 year old female, who was known to the offender

Victim: 15 year old female, who was known to the offender

Community Supervision: Probation expired 4/28/2010.

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Jason Weeks

Level II Offender

Date of Birth: 3/1/1987

Convicted of: Failure to Register.

Victim: No Information available

Community Supervision: Probation expires: 2/6/2014.

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Robert Bumpus

Level III Offender    

Date of Birth: 3/3/1977

Convicted of: 1st Degree Sexual Assault. 

Victim: 27 year old female known to the offender

Community Supervision: Probation expires 2/12/2053

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Joseph Couie

Level III Offender

Date of Birth: 4/24/1948

Convicted of: Subject has been been convicted of Second Degree Child Molestation, Second Degree Sexual Assualt and Abominable and Detestable Crimes Against Nature

Victims: No information available.

Community Supervision: Subject is a recidivist and falls under lifetime registration requirements and community supervision guidelines

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Byron DeWeldon

Level III Offender 

Date of Birth: 8/8/1970

Convicted of: RI- 3rd Degree Sexual Assault. Victim was a 15 year male. 2nd Degree Child Molestation. Victims were three 11 year old males. MA Offense - Indecent Assault & Battery on Child under 14. Victim was an 11 year old male.

Victim: 11 year old male 

Community Supervision: Probation has expired for all charges.

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Dwayne Gagnon

Level III Offender 

Date of Birth: 8/26/1959

Convicted of: Indecent Assault and Battery on a Child under 14. Rape and Abuse of a Child under 16. Open & Gross Lewdness and Lascivious Behavior.

Victims: Child under 14, Child under 16 

Community Supervision: Probation expires 3/28/2012.

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Laurence Gagnon

Level III Offender

Date of Birth: 7/25/1940

Convicted of: 2nd Degree Child Molestation (3 counts). Victims were 12 year old males known to the offender.

Victim: A 12 year old males known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation expires 4/29/2023.

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William Hicks

Level III Offender 

Date of Birth: 3/11/1942

Convicted of: 1st Degree Sexual Assault (3 cts). Victim was a 30 year old female who was known to the offender.

Victim: 30 year old female who was known to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation Expires 7/1/2038. Lifetime Registration.

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Robert Miller

Level III Offender 

Date of Birth: 9/2/1959

Convicted of: NY charges - Failure to Register; Sexual Abuse 2nd. Victim was a 12 year old female known to offender. 3rd Degree Sexual Abuse. Victim was a 16 year old female known to offender. Sexual Abuse 3rd. Victim information unknown.

Victim: 16 year old female known to offender.

Community Supervision: Probation has expired. Lifetime Registration.

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John Nichols

Level III Offender

Date of Birth: 3/30/1976

Convicted of: 2nd Degree Sexual Assault. Victims were adult females unknown to the offender.

Victim: adult females unknown to the offender.

Community Supervision: Probation has expired for this offense. Lifetime Registration.

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Robert Thibault

Level III Offender 

Date of Birth: 1/21/1963

Convicted of: Child Pornography; 1st Degree Child Molestation. Victim was a 2 year old female known to the offender.

Victim: 2 Year Old Female knowkn to the offender 

Community Supervision: Probation expires 11/28/2023.


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