Exercise Should be Enjoyable - Brown Alpert Medical School Expert on Sticking to Workout Routine

Thursday, February 13, 2020


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Dr. Bond on GoLocal LIVE.

Dr. Dale Bond at the Brown Alpert Medical School appeared on GoLocal LIVE where he spoke to the latest tips on keeping a steady exercise routine -- and how the school is at the forefront of research in the field. 

"One of the things we focus on is exercise is a really complex behavior, and it’s actually difficult to change. There’s several decision points — where to exercise, how to exercise, when to exercise, with whom to exercise. So it’s not surprising to me that when people who have never exercised before are trying to adopt a new habit, or some people have kind of fallen off the wagon so to speak and they try it again, they aren’t successful," said Bond. 

"Another thing to consider is that exercise should be enjoyable — for people in those types of situations who are just trying to adopt this habit, exercise initially might not be pleasant," said Bond. 


Finding the Sweet Spot

"So we want to try to do things to make exercise more enjoyable — one of the first things we should try and focus on is finding an activity you find enjoyable. So for example, going to the gym might not be everybody’s favorite activity, or everybody’s favorite setting to exercise," said Bond. "We also want to try to boost the enjoyment of the activity that they’re performing, so there’s several different ways we try to do that, whether it be listening to music or listening to a podcast when you’re exercising."

"And when you’re first trying to start changing behavior, you want to reward yourself for at least achieving those initial goals. That can be helpful in the short-term; it’s not always helpful in the long term," he added. 

Bond, a Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Health Promotion and Education at Purdue University and the University of Utah, respectively, and completed postdoctoral training in behavioral medicine at Brown Alpert Medical School.

His research involves two principal areas: (1) assessing and intervening on energy balance behaviors and related mechanisms in the context of bariatric surgery and obesity; and (2) assessment and treatment of behavioral risk factors and comorbidities among individuals who have a migraine.

Inward Focus

"One of the things we try and do from a behavioral change, is we want to go from an external motivation to a more internal motivation, so that they’re exercising for the exercise itself, it’s enjoyable — they’re not exercising because the doctor told them to. They’re doing it for themselves," said Bond. 

Bond also spoke to how much exercise people should be getting. 

“The CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services say every adult should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, and they should also do strength training two days per week,” said Bond.  “However in programs and interventions I tell people to do it every day, particularly when they’re trying to start. I actually try to get them to think about exercise similar to brushing your teeth — it’s something essential for your health that you should do each day.”

“The great thing about Brown is we have an excellent group of exercise researchers, so that we’re all kind of doing different things, but we’re all pushing the field forward in different ways,” said Bond. “I’m excited and honored to work with the faculty members we have.”

Since granting its first Doctor of Medicine degrees in 1975, the Warren Alpert Medical School has become a national leader in medical education and biomedical research. By attracting first-class physicians and researchers to Rhode Island over the past four decades, the Medical School and its seven affiliated teaching hospitals have radically improved the state's health care environment, from health care policy to patient care.

"Smart Health" is a GoLocalProv.com segment featuring experts from The Warren Alpert Medical School GoLocal LIVE.


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