EDITORIAL: Deloitte, That is All Raimondo

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


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Let's get some facts straight. First, Governor Lincoln Chafee awarded the first contract to Deloitte.

The cost of the initial social services software program was slated to cost $119 million under then-Governor Chafee's administration.

Chafee owns that first blunder.


The next nearly $600 million is all Governor Gina Raimondo’s.

Last Friday, Raimondo announced that -- following months of negotiations -- Deloitte Consulting LLP "will remain under contract with the state through June 2021" to continue to operate the failed UHIP technology infrastructure. 

The federal court intervention because Rhode Island could not provide food stamps to the poorest is all Raimondo’s.

The incompetence of the leadership of the UHIP project is all Raimondo’s.

The lines that wrapped around the building in the freezing cold of the neediest in the state seeking to get access to basic support — those lines, that misery are all Raimondo’s.

The bloated budget the exploded from $119 million to nearly $700 million, of course, minus the $50 million rebate announced last week, the net cost of $500 plus million, yup, that is all Raimondo.

The incompetence of a 40-page paper application for RI’s poorest citizens, oh yes, that is all Raimondo.

UHIP was and is a disaster, Rhode Island at its worst. Deloitte should have been fired years ago, but that decision to keep the money going to Deloitte, that is all Raimondo.


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