Fit for Life: Winner or “Loser”

Saturday, March 18, 2023


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Matt and Jayna

In today’s article, I will profile the first 100lb loser that we have helped at Providence Fit Body Boot Camp.

In the past, we have helped someone lose 85 lbs, and numerous folks lose upwards of 50 lbs, however, I feel that 100 lbs is such a big hill to climb and such an inspirational goal to accomplish that I had to give her special attention.

Her name is Jayna Rowe, and she has been with us for exactly one year to the day we shot this interview. I am hoping that whether you need to lose 1 or 100 lbs, this article will inspire and motivate you to take control of your own health and embark on a journey that guarantees you will live a better and more fulfilling life, just like Jayna did.


We consider ourselves the gold standard for gyms, when it comes to fitness and fat loss, however, I want to explain to you that it takes much more than great workouts & nutrition programs. Any place can write up a great workout, and knowing what is good or bad to eat is pretty obvious in most cases, but taking action, making the commitment, and staying consistent and focused takes it to a whole new level.

Hear how Jayna climbed that mountain and is now reaping the benefits of her hard work and dedication. I will write out the bullet points in this article, but you really need to listen to her story here.  




The spark / her why: She wanted to move, feel and look better. The general consensus is that we all want to look and feel better, however, many of us fail to take the appropriate action. When you take action, you get results. Thinking about it and procrastinating will get you nowhere, so stop kicking the can down the road, and take action today.

Her mindset: I am worth it was the statement she made, and many of us fail to realize this. She did it for not only herself but to set a positive influence for her family. Remember that you can’t take care of someone or set a good example until you take care of yourself first. It isn’t selfish to make your health and fitness a priority, it’s selfless because leading by example is the best way to influence others.

Some current struggles: She still has to focus on getting her water and protein and that can sometimes present a struggle for her. She doesn’t want to regress, so she gets up every day and follows the process, regardless of how difficult it can be. Make no mistake about it, this didn’t come easy for Jayna, yet her strong will keeps her on the path to success.

What made the difference: As I said earlier, it’s not about the workouts but the coaching and accountability. My team spends hours a day reaching out to members and following up with their progress. We were always calling, sending text’s and motivational emails to keep Jayna focused and on point.

Her focus: It wasn’t about the scale, it was about creating the habits that netted her the results she was after. She never misses workouts and uses the tools we provide for her within our program. She knows this is a lifelong battle, so she set her focus on the lifestyle, and not just the goal or outcome. Now that she has adopted this as a lifestyle, she is helping her family live healthier as well.


This isn’t the first attempt: She has tried different programs in the past, like eating frozen dinners, calorie-restricted nutrition programs and other quick fix “weight” loss programs, however, we focus on “fat” loss and building muscle; therefore, her results will last longer due to her losing it the right way.

Her parting words: Never give up, and it’s never too late. Be flexible and be coachable. Jayna didn’t do it alone, so you shouldn’t expect to either. She has our team at Providence Fit Body Boot Camp working closely with her every step of the way, and has unconditional support from her family, and that has made the difference.

In conclusion: As I mentioned earlier, it takes focus, discipline, drive and the desire to do the difficult things that sets apart the winners and losers. Thinking about it, or gathering information won’t make it happen, but taking action will.

Jayna gets up every day, puts on her armor, and goes to battle. She is relentless in her pursuit to better herself and knows she just needs to win one day at a time.

Even though Jayna is our biggest loser when it comes to the scale, her dedication has made her our biggest winner,  and an inspiration to us all.


Thank you, Jayna, for being part of our community. We love ya.


Coach Matt


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