Commerce RI is Launching a Big Program to Boost Small Biz, Guest MINDSETTER Early

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


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Starting a business is no easy task, whichever route one takes. Too many aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those “mom-and-pops,” do not fulfill their dreams due to the intimidating process of going from concept to reality—but in Rhode Island, that will no longer be the case.

Over the past year and a half, a lot of attention has been given to the new set of programs that Governor Gina Raimondo created in partnership with the General Assembly in order to help local businesses thrive and attract new businesses to Rhode Island. And for good reason—they’re working. The Qualified Jobs Incentive tax credit, the Rebuild Rhode Island tax credit and the Wavemaker Fellowship all have gone a long way in securing the right kind of talent, companies and activity we’re looking for in the Ocean State. Now, we’re excited to add another tool to our business development toolbox that seeks to assist a key piece of our state’s economy—the small business.

The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation has begun rolling out the Small Business Assistance Program, an initiative focused on helping smaller Rhode Island companies not only survive but thrive, by providing the type of assistance required to move their businesses along.


We’re eager to put forward this offering, not only because smaller companies form the backbone of Rhode Island’s growing economy, but also because as the smallest state in the nation, we take pride in the spirit of the underdog, and obviously because getting a small business up and running is rarely a quick and easy task. We want to make Rhode Island a place where it is.

After dreaming up an idea or deciding to grow, identifying an appropriate funding source is a necessary next step for any business owner. It’s our job to make it easier to do business in Rhode Island, and part of that is providing a strong financing environment in order to propel small business owners to success.

The Small Business Assistance Program was designed to connect these businesses with greater access to capital, through partnerships with lending organizations that will make loans available to those who are having trouble finding credit elsewhere. These partners come from across the region and will play a large role in making our state a haven for up-and-coming businesses, helping them to set up shop and grow across the state, providing job opportunities to hundreds, if not thousands, of Rhode Islanders. Some of these companies are run by women entrepreneurs, and some have chosen to plant roots in some of Rhode Island’s most impoverished areas. Whatever the circumstances, we and our partners are here to lend a hand.

In Rhode Island, we know what being small feels like. But we also know that size does not dictate success. Through the tools provided in the Small Business Assistance Program and the other incentives that are well suited to small business—like our Innovation Voucher Program—Rhode Island is now a state where companies big and small can find opportunity.

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Early is President of Commerce

Darin Early is President of the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation


Related Slideshow: Power List - Business

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Big Bankers

Kevin Tracy and Oliver Bennett— There are deals and there are BIG DEALS. In Rhode Island, with all of the changing players and banking relationships, one reality is pretty much the same. If you have a big deal that needs sophisticated financing, the community banks may not be able to handle it.

Bank of America may have abandoned the Superman Building, but they are still in Rhode Island and still doing big deals. Kevin Tracy, the former Brown golfer and Oliver Bennett — long ago Fleet Bank trainees — are now the guys you bring in for a $50 million deal.  The more things change - the more they stay the same.

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John Hazen White, Jr. — White has taken Taco to new levels as he has made a series of strategic acquisitions to bolster the Rhode Island manufacturing company into a global firm.

He continues to be a leader in American manufacturing investing in worker retention and employee training.

Behind the scenes, White is a combination of an adviser and moral compass to many in Rhode Island. Despite taking a lower profile than his Lookout RI days, White is still a force pushing for ethics reform. 

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Joe Paolino — Once the young Mayor who took over in the 1980s when Buddy Cianci was forced to resign (the first time), now the leading corporate voice in Providence if not Rhode Island.

While others complain at lunches at the Hope Club and University Club about the plight of the Capital City, Paolino has rolled up his sleeves and taken on issues like panhandling and homelessness.

With a real estate empire that includes much of downtown, some of the top properties in Newport and Hasbro’s campus in Pawtucket to name a few, Paolino has close ties to Governor Gina Raimondo and even closer ties to the Clintons - could a federal appointment be in the works in 2017?

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Steve Kirby — No one dominates commercial real estate in Rhode Island like Kirby does on Aquidneck Island. His red “Kirby Commercial” signs are literally everywhere across the island and in Newport proper -- they are more frequent than street signs.

Want to open a clothing store in Newport? Go see Steve Kirby. Looking to launch a startup tech firm? Call Kirby. Developed cool technology and want to start producing for the Navy? Email Kirby.

Kirby maybe the most influential in business on Aquidniick Island. (PS He will tell you which bankers to talk to).

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Labor Boss

George Nee — President of the AFL-CIO, Nee is one of the most influential players in business in Rhode Island. 

He is Vice Chair of the Convention Center Authority Board, on the Commerce Corp board, the most influential voice for labor at the State House, and involved one way or another in just about every negotiation on constructing public buildings or issuing a tax stabilization agreement in Providence.

For the most part his public persona has been more muted recently, but that has not impacted his private influence. If it happens in Rhode Island, Nee has probably touched it.

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Sally Lapides — If Teddy Roosevelt were alive today and saw the number of Residential Properties’ real estate signs on the East Side he would call it a monopoly and want to break up the company. Lapides not only dominates one of the most affluent sections of Rhode Island, but she also delves into the arts, education and politics.

When you sell the wealthiest and most influential their homes, you make a lot of friends.

Lapides is a force in residential real estate and it will be interesting to see what she does next.

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Helena Foulkes — Two of the biggest decisions CVS ever made were the brain children of Foulkes. The Extracare card and the removal of tobacco from its stores were both influenced by Foulkes.

She has emerged as a national power in business and makes all the business lists for top women, but make no mistake - she is wildly influential in Rhode Island. 

She is close to Raimondo and she may decide to jump into political waters in the future - or may decide if she can snag the CEO spot at CVS.

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Visionary or Free Rider

Buff Chace — One of downtown Providence's biggest real estate magnates is a lightning rod in the Capital City. Widely considered to be one of the prime catalysts of Downcity's resurgence, Chace's accumulation of properties on Westminster Street is straight out of a Monopoly playbook. 

His recent acquisition of the ProJo building has further solidified his dominance, which has not been without intense scrutiny, given his ability to continually secure -- and extend -- tax stabilization agreements at a time when the city's dire financial straits are close to reaching a head. 

Wealthy, influential, and active in the community, Chace has chaired  the Downtown Providence Parks Conservancy and has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Providence Foundation, and is a director emeritus for GrowSmart RI and a trustee emeritus of Trinity Repertory Theatre.

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Big Time

Richard Baccari — One of the biggest real estate developers in New England. For decades he has been a major player in Providence, Rhode Island and the northeast.

During that span, he has been the driving and innovative force behind some of the region's most significant residential and commercial development endeavors. 

See a Stop and Shop development and Baccari probably built it. Has fought back business challenges and much more.


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