RI GOP Says RI Democrats Sound Like Trump

Thursday, October 26, 2017


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Providence Developer and former Mayor Joseph Paolino

Rhode Island Republicans have fired back at the Rhode Island Democratic party, after the latter had been attacking the RI GOP gubernatorial candidates and criticizing them for their ties to President Trump.
In response, Rhode Island Republican Party Chairman Brandon Bell said, “Originally, Trump attacks by the Rhode Island Democratic Party could be dismissed as a lame attempt to distract voters from their failures at the State House. Now, they are simply laughable."

"The Rhode Island Democratic Party wants to complain about President Trump but their leaders have sounded a lot like Trump. Joe DeLorenzo, the Second Vice Chairman Rhode Island Democratic Party, has called fellow Rhode Island Democrats 'left wing whack jobs' and supports Trump on the NFL national anthem controversy," said Bell. "Meanwhile Joe Paolino Jr., Rhode Island’s Democratic National Committeeman, once blazed the trail Trump later followed by campaigning on cracking down on illegal immigration by building a triple fence on the border with Mexico.”  
Paolino made the comments in 1996 when he was a candidate for U.S. Congress. “The former mayor also said illegal immigration is a jobs issues. The size of the Border Patrol should be doubled, a ‘triple-fence’ built along the Mexican border near San Diego and a national system of employee verification adopted, [Paolino] said,” according to a Russ Garland story in the Providence Journal at the time.

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President Donald Trump

Paolino Responds
Paolino, when reached Wednesday night in New York City, said in response to Bell’s comments, “I have great respect for Brandon Bell. I hope that President Trump appoints him U.S. Attorney or any other patronage job he wants.”
Paolino went on to say, “We are all Americans and we are all able to change our positions on issues over time…I remember when Trump was pro-choice, pro-gun, control and for the Iraq War.”
Bell continued the assault on Democrats.
“The Rhode Island Democratic Party has no credibility when it comes attacking Rhode Island Republicans about Trump when the members of their own leadership have sounded a lot like Trump. They should either come up with a new talking point or find some new leaders,” said Bell.


Related Slideshow: Thousands Protest in RI Against Trump’s Executive Order on Immigrants - Jan. 2017


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