Why the RI GOP Needs Pat Sweeney

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


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After the 2010 RI Elections, I was of the opinion that the GOP faired well as they picked up seats in the General Assembly. Even though they didn’t win any statewide seats they did produce someone who could be a formidable candidate in 2014 (Catherine Taylor) as well as come within a few short steps of “shoving it” to capture the Governor’s race.

Having the benefit of hindsight, I’m not sure if I was remotely accurate in my estimation of how well the GOP did in the fall. Throughout the country the GOP performed staggeringly well in governors’ races and congressional seats. Midterm elections are usually difficult for the sitting President’s party but this was like the perfect storm for Republicans as the economy continued to lag and groups like the Tea Party sprang up. With all of that going on the RI GOP offered us, RI Clean Slate. I mean not to belittle how hard members of the RI GOP worked during 2010, but working hard isn’t always working smart. And for 2012, the RI GOP needs someone who can combine those values.

Enter Pat Sweeney.


I met Pat about a year and a half ago when I became part of the Young Republicans. Since then my opinion of him has been one of a thoughtful personality who has the guts to put his money where his mouth is. Such a person is needed if the GOP is to become relevant in this state again. I had the opportunity to get Sweeney on the record for some of his ideas and here’s what he had to say:

1) Infrastructure

Run the Party like the RNC. Our bylaws do not define roles and responsibilities of the executive board and I plan on outlining said roles and responsibilities. I would like the 1st Vice Chair to oversee the Senate strategic, planning, and recruitment efforts while the 2nd Vice Chair oversees the House strategic, planning, and recruitment efforts. From these efforts, I will implement a “Young Guns” program, which will be led by Party leaders who have demonstrated previous success.

Building an unprecedented ground game. We need to unify our Party building technologies. Whether it’s our micro targeting software, our social networking systems, or any other new media, we all need to be on the same page. These resources will be utilized to identify and register new voters, making sure they get to the polls.

The initiative, Precinct Project 537 (for the number of precincts), will be comprised of our current town/city chairs along with newly appointed Precinct Leaders and Block Captains. Our success will be measured by strengthening our conservative base and making gains in democratic districts.

Coalition building. I plan on furthering our relationships with center-right activist groups in order to help align their membership with some of the initiatives we will be exploring. Also strengthening the relationship with the College Republicans and the Teenage Republicans. The CRs at Roger Williams were instrumental to some of our candidates’ success, along with the efforts of Julie Martin and Evan Gillissie. They are the future of our Party.

2) Fundraising

Restore trust and confidence in our donor base through donor calls and donor visits. I will outline a plan for them addressing where their dollars will be allocated. We will turn to a system of complete transparency in order to rebuild those relationships. We are going to use monies raised to not only target the 11 races we lost by less then 5 points, but also protect the gains we had during this election. I will emphasis online giving, as opposed to direct mailings, which are costly. Online giving is instant, effective, and secure. We need to adapt to the newer technologies to save on overhead.

3) Messaging

I intend to bring back the passionate conservatism voice to Rhode Island. People need to be inspired in order for them to get active. I will put together a clear and concise message of lower taxes, less spending, limited government, and free enterprise that positively reflects the efforts of our party. The community outreach portion of the message is of great importance. The Party needs to be more convincing when dismissing negative stereotypes.

It’s clear Sweeney has a plan and it’s also clear that plan centers around local politics, inspiring young Republicans, and building coalitions with other political groups in the state. To my fellow Republicans I encourage you to rally around Sweeney’s bid for the chairmanship. If we select someone who’s been on the board several terms or even someone with a more impressive resume, I fear 2012 will have us focused solely on statewide races – the Whitehouse Senate race, for example – and once again ignore the local races that truly matter for everyday Rhode Islanders.

At least in 2010, the GOP focused on the General Assembly if the execution left a little to be desired. We cannot go back to how things were in 2006 and so we must chose someone as focused on local politics. In my opinion, that man is Pat Sweeney and I hope at this year’s convention you select him as the next RI GOP Chairman.


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