Does Sports Illustrated Know RI Is in New England?

Friday, February 02, 2018


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New England SI subscribers got the Tom Brady issue -- except Rhode Island, who got Nick Foles. SI told GoLocal it was an "honest mistake."

Sports Illustrated is apologizing to New England Patriots fans in Rhode Island, after subscribers were sent the Super Bowl preview issue with Philadelphia Eagles' quarterback Nick Foles on the cover -- while the rest of New England got the regional edition with New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady on the cover. 

When GoLocal learned of the mistake from outraged fans, multiple emails and calls were placed into Sports Illustrated to get an explanation.

A public relations spokesperson for Sports Illustrated finally confirmed the error late Thursday with GoLocal -- and said that they do, in fact, know Rhode Island is in New England. 


"So for the Super Bowl preview issue, Nick Foles is the national cover, and the majority of the country got it, with the exception of the New England area [who got Brady]," said the representative -- who acknowledged that did not include Rhode Island. 

"What I learned is there was a production error. It was intended to go to the whole New England area. It wasn’t that we forgot Rhode Island was part of New England. I've never seen an error like this in my time," said the representative.  "What you might have heard from customers, that sounds about right from what I'd heard from customer service."

Dealing with Unhappy Pats Fans

At least one customer said that they were not satisfied when they called SI, however. 

"So I received my Sports Illustrated with my 'regional cover' today," Terry Moreno Toste emailed GoLocal. "Last I checked Pennsylvania is not my region, for Rhode Island is a state in New England." 

"I called Sports Illustrated and they told me the only states that are receiving the Patriots covers are Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut," said Toste. "She told me that came from corporate and there was nothing she could do about it and she could not send me the Patriots one because Rhode Island is not on the list!!! Really, Sports Illustrated??? Get it together!!"

The representative acknowledged that SI is working to correct the mistake. 

"We apologize for it, it’s an honest mistake.  Anyone who contacts us from Rhode Island trying get the Brady cover, we've been working to make sure the customer gets whatever they want. That has been happening already," said the rep. 

The customer service hotline is 1-877-747-1045.

"Whenever we do this — have a national and regional issue -- the content is all the same," added the representative. "We do put all of this online, and you can find both covers online.  Again, the Nick Foles was the national one. We don’t always do a regional cover."

"I just want people to know of course that if New England wins this weekend we do put the winning team on our special, bigger commemorative issue." 


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