NEW: Occupy Providence to Protest Mayor’s Fundraiser

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Mayor Angel Taveras' supporters will be greeted by Occupy Providence protesters tonight at a fundraiser at Jackie's Waterplace Restaurant downtown. The group is conducting the picket outside the $75-$500 fundraiser.

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Occupy Providence is trgeting the campaign event in response to the Mayor's threats to pursue legal action against the growing social movement. In an October 29th public letter, and in subsequent communications, Taveras has stated his intention to pursue a civil injunction against Occupy Providence, with the goal of evicting the movement from its peaceful encampment in Burnside Park, in downtown Providence.

“If Mayor Taveras moves forward with his plans to forcibly evict a peaceful protest from a public park, he will be setting a dangerous precedent for limiting free speech,” said Susan Beaty, a member of Occupy Providence. “This state was founded on the ideals of free speech and peaceable assembly, and the Occupy movement upholds that tradition.”


The protest will feature a tongue-in-cheek competing dinner, with members of Occupy Providence ladling out bowls of soup to hand to fundraiser attendees. A “99%” sign will hang over the free dinner, while an arrowed sign reading “1%” will be pointed toward the Taveras event.

“We encourage those willing to shell out as much as $500 to dine with the Mayor to reconsider. Instead, they can stand with us, the 99%, and eat for free,” said Paul Hubbard, a member of Occupy Providence.


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