NEW: Governor’s Workforce Board to Offer $1.4 M in Partnership Grants

Friday, December 14, 2012


The Governor's Workforce Board (GWB) has announced a $1.4 million Request for Proposals to fund workforce partnerships between private employers and educational providers. Innovative Partnership Grants of $100,000 to $250,000 will be awarded to proposals designed to develop career pathways for students, out-of-school youth and unemployed adults.

Governor Lincoln D. Chafee explains, "Workforce development is one of the surest ways to grow our economy and promote job creation. This RFP is an example of a wise investment to support partnerships between employers and educational institutions that will foster career pathways for unemployed or underemployed Rhode Islanders."

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Potential applicants are strongly encourages to attend a pre-proposal conference on Monday, December 17 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the RI Department of Labor and Training, 1511 Pontiac Ave., Cranston. Call 401-462-8864 to pre-register.


To view the Request for Proposals, visit and click on "FY2013 Innovative Partnerships Grant." The deadline to submit proposals is January 30, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.

GWB Executive Director Rick Brooks adds, "We are particularly interested in proposals that demonstrate substantial employer involvement in both program design and commitment to success." This past year, the Governor's Workforce Board has increased its efforts to connect private-sector businesses to workforce development policy-making by forming a new employer advisory committee to provide feedback and input to the board. Funding for the innovative partnership comes from the employer-financed Job Development Fund.

The Governor's Workforce Board is the primary policy-making body on workforce development matters for the State of Rhode Island, and has statutory responsibility and authority to plan, coordinate, fund and evaluate workforce development activities in the state. Since its inception in 2005, the Governor's Workforce Board has made more than $63 million in strategic investments that reward collaboration among the state's employment, education and economic development entities.


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