Organize + Energize: A Beginner’s Guide to Organizing

Tuesday, March 04, 2014


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Are you ready to beat the mess in your home but aren't sure where to start? Follow these tips.

Think of this as a to-do list. If you want to get organized, you will need to start somewhere. You have to begin with a small project, especially if you have never tackled an organizing project. This is an easy to manage list that has very small and simple tasks to complete. Start with these small projects and make a mental note of how you feel after you have completed them. You will be motivated and energized to continue with larger projects in your home.

Here are 10 tips you can apply now!

Tackle your junk drawers.

Take it slow. Focus on the junk drawers in one room and then once one room is complete, move on to the next. Working with your hands for at least 10 minutes will help clear your mind. For more info, here are 7 easy steps to get your junk drawers organized.


Home office.

Take a look at the top of your desk. Remove and find a home for anything that you don’t use on a daily basis. Once you tackle the top of your desk, check out more info on helping you with the rest of the office.


Don’t tear apart the entire bedroom. Start with one small project and then move on from there. Start with your drawers. Purchase drawer organizers for your underwear, socks, nylons, and bras.


Are your shoes in a pile on the floor? How long does it take you to find a match to a shoe? Organize your shoes on a shoe rack. There are numerous organizing products out there in a wide variety to contain your shoes. Declutter your shoes and then purchase a shoe rack that will fit the shoes that you own.

Keep a list.

Keep an ongoing list of toiletry items you need. Same goes for grocery items. Keep it in a place where everybody in the family knows where it is located. When you use the last of something or are close to the end, put it on the list. When it’s time for you to go to the store, you will have a full list and not have to wonder if you are forgetting anything.

Clean out your purse/wallet.

How much does your purse or wallet weigh? Do you really need everything in your purse? Empty out your purse. Itemize and categorize. Get in the routine of maintaining the organization in your purse or wallet. Take receipts out of your purse/wallet at the end of your shopping trip and file them away. Keep your makeup contained. Keep your credit cards and other important information organized and contained.

Give your kids a calendar.

If your kids know how to read and write, it’s time to give them a calendar. Let them keep track of school and sporting events, parties, or project due dates. This will get them started in the organizing process.

Find a designated spot for your keys.

This one is easy. Do you have a spot where you drop your keys when you walk into the house? Does everybody in the house know where that is? If you don’t have a designated spot, how many times have you searched aimlessly for them? It’s time to designate a spot for your keys.


Start with a small project like organizing your spices. This should take no more than 10 minutes, depending on how many spices you have. Take all the spices out of the cabinet, check for expiration dates, and throw away any expired ones. Place them back in the cabinet organized according to the frequency of use. After you finish, if you are ready to move onto the rest of the kitchen, here are 10 steps to organize your pantry


Choose a task that you perform every day. How many steps does it take to get you where you need to complete the task? Think about streamlining that task. Once you stop to think about what you are doing, you may find that something that took you 10 steps to complete really only has to take 3 to complete.


Print this article and tackle this list. Take one tip a week or one tip a month. You can move at your own pace. You will be amazed at how you feel after these 10 tips are completed.

“Be as simple as you can be and you will be astonished at how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.” –Paramahansa Yogananda


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Kristin Carcieri-MacRae, the founder and owner of Organizing in RI, has always enjoyed finding creative ways to streamline the environment around her. She has appeared on air on Patricia Raskin's Positive Business Radio and her articles have been published in the Rhode Island Small Business Journal and New England Home Life. Kristin's CD, Organizing Basics, is a 1-hour guide for the person who wants to get organized but doesn't know where to start. She is also available for organizing workshops. Tune into her weekly radio show, Organize, Energize! on Mondays at 8:30am on


Related Slideshow: 5 Organizing Blunders

Avoid these mistakes and your project will take less time than you expected. You won’t be as stressed or as overwhelmed as you anticipated. You will be amazed at what you have accomplished. You will be motivated and energized to tackle another project.

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Not planning ahead

Getting organized is a process and you have to have a plan on how to conquer your project. You can’t tear apart an entire room all at once. You need to break the project down into small pieces. Plan to tackle your project in 3-hour increments. If you work longer than 3 hours at a time, you are setting yourself up for burnout. Plan ahead to try to avoid distractions and stay focused.

Click here for more tips on how to avoid distractions.

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Purchasing the incorrect supplies

I know you are excited to get organized, but don’t rush out to the store and purchase products just because you like the way they look. Get organized first. Figure out what you need to contain, and then purchase your container to match the items you need it to hold." target="_blank">Click here for more on choosing the right container.

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Not letting others know about your system

Once you set up the organized system, you have to get everybody in your home on board. Show them the systems and how you are going to function with this system going forward. Label everything if you must, so everybody gets in the habit of putting items away. Remember, the simpler the system, the easier it’s going to be to maintain." target="_blank">Need help creating those systems? Go here.

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Not maximizing your space

Use every inch of space and use it well. Take everything out of the area you are organizing. You can’t get a clear visual of the space if it is filled with clutter. Shifting items around is not going to work.

Here are more tips on maximizing your space.

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Repeatedly clearing spaces

You are creating more work for yourself if you continue to clear spaces once a month. Create a system and allow everything in your home to have its own place, and you will never have to clear a space again.

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Kristin Carcieri-MacRae

Kristin Carcieri-MacRae, the founder and owner of Organizing in RI, has always enjoyed finding creative ways to streamline the environment around her. She has appeared on air on Patricia Raskin's Positive Business Radio and her articles have been published in the Rhode Island Small Business Journal and New England Home Life. Kristin's CD, Organizing Basics, is a 1-hour guide for the person who wants to get organized but doesn't know where to start. She is also available for organizing workshops. Tune into her weekly radio show, Organize, Energize! on Mondays at 8:30am on


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