URI Names New Science Center After ChemArt Founder Beaupre

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


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Richard Beaupre and Winifred Brownell, dean of the College of Arts. Photo courtesy of URI Foundation, Joe Giblin

The University of Rhode Island's new Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences will be named after 1962 URI alumnus and supporter Richard Beaupre, the founder and chief executive officer of Lincoln-based ChemArt. The new center is scheduled to open in the fall of 2016.

Governor Gina Raimondo signed house bill 5575 into effect in May, approving the request by the University to establish the building as the Richard Beaupre Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences.

"The governor has indicated that she sees value in finding ways to keep college graduates from Rhode Island here in the state to help spur and support economic growth. As a URI graduate, that is just what I did.  I worked hard and created a manufacturing business that provides jobs to close to 150 full-time workers. I am very proud of that," said Richard Beaupre.


Construction on the new building started in December of 2013. The building will use natural  light and energy-saving infrastructure components while also  featuring space dedicated to collaboration between faculty and students.

Once the center is opened, it will replace Pastore Hall, which was built in 1953 to accommodate 800 students. The new building will serve over 7,000 chemistry students each year.

“We are deeply grateful to Dick for his longstanding generosity and support of URI, and particularly this important project,” President David M. Dooley said. “He clearly understands that to move Rhode Island forward, we need the latest in scientific facilities to prepare our students, to provide faculty with the very best research tools and to lay a foundation for economic development in Rhode Island. As the founder of one of Rhode Island’s important design and manufacturing companies, Dick understands what the University and the state as a whole need to thrive in the 21st century," said URI President David Dooley.

Richard Beaupre

Beaupre graduated from URI in 1962 and is the founder and chief executive officer of ChemArt, based in Lincoln. Over the past decade, Beaupre has donated almost $4 million in gifts to the school, inclined his most recent $2.5 million gift.


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