Moore: Raimondo Let Insider Politics Kill Bill to Protect Women

Monday, June 27, 2016


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When Gina Raimondo first announced she’d run for Governor back in 2014, she promised to do what was right for Rhode Island “no matter how fierce the opposition from special interests and political insiders."

You’ve got to hand it to her, it sounded great. But merely saying something doesn’t make it true. Too bad for the average Ocean Stater, it’s not true. The latest example of this is her veto of the so-called “revenge porn” bill that would criminalize the disgusting behavior of posting pornographic images of someone online without their consent.

The Governor likes to act as if she’s some big feminist. And who knows, maybe she is. But when it comes down to protecting women or pandering to special interest groups, apparently feminism loses.


And Inside Game

Make no mistake about it: that was the mechanism in play last week when Raimondo used her veto pen for the first time in her tenure to shoot down this law designed to protect (primarily) women.

In a nearly unanimous, bipartisan vote, the state legislature recently passed a bill that would have made it illegal for individuals to post nude or pornographic images on the internet without the subject’s approval. It’s a sad commentary on our society, but this happens far more often than one (an average, good person) might imagine.

A frustrated and jealous ex-boyfriend will often post indecent pictures that were taken privately of his former girlfriend in an attempt to get revenge. Further, many computer hackers have undertaken the nasty practice of stealing personal, private pictures and threatening to post them online for hefty sums.

Thanks to the Governor’s veto of the bill, instead of the miscreants and malefactors who partake in these disgusting actions being dragged to jail in handcuffs, it’s Attorney General Peter Kilmartin’s whose hands are tied on this issue.

Free Speech Issues Were Addressed

Free speech groups such as the Rhode Island chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (which I have a lot of respect for) as well as the Rhode Island Press Association and the Motion Picture Association of America both opposed the law, stating that it was overly broad and would have a chilling impact on free speech.

But those concerns were addressed in the bill, as there were exemptions, including one that exempted pictures if they were “in the public interest”. For example, pictures of the Holocaust or of the abuse at Abu Gharib would be covered under that. I give credit to Kilmartin and his staff, as well as legislators, for working hard to make sure the bill was strong enough to prosecute those who partake in this disgusting, immature, vengeful behavior, but also making sure that genuine free speech was protected.

What really killed the bill was the fact that the ultra-powerful and high-priced lobbyist Joseph Walsh represented two groups who were opposed to the bill. The former Warwick Mayor and gubernatorial candidate represents the Rhode Island Daily Newspaper Association at a cost of $30,000 per year and the Motion Picture Association at a cost of $25,000 per year (according to information on the Secretary of State's website).  Good work, if you can get it!

Walsh Prevails, Again

So in addition to helping keep an antiquated law on the books that forces Rhode Island communities around $1 million per year to advertise their meeting in newspapers (when everyone has easy internet access in 2016) Walsh, at the Providence Journal’s behest, also used his insider connections to strike down a law to protect women.

I’m sure Walsh called up his pal David Cruise, Raimondo’s former Legislative Director and current Chief of Staff, and asked him to put the kibosh to this law.

None of this is anything personal against Walsh. You’d have a tough time meeting a nicer, more affable gentleman. And if I needed lobbying done, I’d hire him in a New York minute since he’s very good at his job. Similar to a lawyer, he’s merely representing his clients, and doing it well. This isn’t about Walsh.

There will always be lobbyists who are good at what they do. This issue is about the governor—the one who told us that she wouldn’t pander to special interest groups. Governor Raimondo shouldn’t be making decisions that pander to certain, albeit powerful, lobbyists or special interest groups.

Protect Women, Not Special Interests

Decisions should be made to protect those who cannot afford to hire powerful lobbyists. We should protect those who have no voice. The purpose of the government should be to protect the weak from the strong. 

I’m not sure anyone has been more critical of House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello than I have, but I credit him for passing this bill. Mattiello’s criticism of Raimondo’s veto was spot on.

“I am extremely disappointed that the Governor vetoed an important tool to protect victims of sexual exploitation.  I am surprised because she never raised any concerns during the four months that it was under consideration by the House. We passed this bill, 68 to 1, which would have given victims of sexual exploitation some common sense protections against increasingly shocking violations of their privacy on the Internet," said Mattiello. 

Time to Override

The Speaker is spot on. If Raimondo was serious about the actual merits of the bill, she would have raised them before it was passed—not afterwards.

To that end, please join me in calling on Mattiello and Senate President Teresa Paiva-Weed to call back the General Assembly one day early next fall to override this veto and put this much-needed law on the books.

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 Russell Moore has worked on both sides of the desk in Rhode Island media, both for newspapers and on political campaigns. Send him email at [email protected]. Follow him on twitter @russmoore713


Related Slideshow: Raimondo and Mattiello - Friction Going Into the 2016 Session

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Mattiello has long questioned why little Rhode Island has its own health exchange. His questions center around scale, cost and long-term viability.  Raimondo had been defending the Chafee initiative, but the move of Anya Rader Wallack from her leadership position at HealthSource to Medicaid (right when open enrollment started, to boot) is one of the indications of Raimondo’s walk away.

As GoLocal reported in January, Walack’s program in Vermont ended up failing under her leadership

Now the question is, will Raimondo make the policy change in her budget or make Mattiello do the dirty work?

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Raimondo has been the champion of an ever-changing funding scheme to rebuild Rhode Island’s infrastructure.

No one questions the need to rehab Rhode Island’s failed bridges and roads, but most everyone has raised questions about the constantly changing funding structure and the corresponding lack of disclosure. 

Raimondo’s request to legislative leaders has been to pass legislation -  and to trust her and her administration. Last session of the General Assembly the Senate functionally went along with the plan and the House held firm on wanting to see the numbers.

Now, it is six-months later and much of the plan has not been disclosed to legislative leaders, the public or the media.

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Irony of Transparency

For decades, Rhode Island Speakers have been wildly criticized for being all powerful, Machiavellian, and highly secretive, but in this unusual situation it is often that Mattiello is the open, responsive and proactive communicator. 

In contrast, Raimondo less than two months ago came under fire from the media and civil rights groups for secrecy, failing to respond to media inquiries, and non-responsiveness to public information requests. 

As GoLocal reported in October: 

Five organizations, including ACCESS/RI, American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Press Association, New England First Amendment Coalition,and League of Women Voters of Rhode Island, sent sharply wordedletter to Governor Gina Raimondo on Tuesday asking her to issue an executive order which calls on state agencies to "adopt a strong presumption in favor of disclosure in addressing public information requests.

Mattiello, unlike his predecessors, has been the voice of the voter asking for information and requesting greater transparency. 

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Election Year

The Democratic Governor enjoys a four-year term, but she needs the support of a legislature who is up for re-election with an electorate that is wildly dissatisfied with the direction of the country, the direction of the state, the performance of Congress. It is a Presidential election year which will only add to the volatility.

The Governor who only won the Democratic primary with 40% of the vote and then was elected last November with 40% off the vote hardly has the most powerful bully pulpit to speak from.

For many legislators the smart political step maybe to show independence and raise questions rather than to lock step with her.  

For Mattiello, this means he may need to give far greater latitude to legislators to vote freely.

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Raimondo a Lawyer and Venture Capitalist 

Raimondo is trained as an attorney and worked nearly her entire professional career as Venture Capitalist. Lots of Non-Disclosure Agreements, “paper the deal” with agreements and little disclosure.

This training is great for confidentiality as it relates to high stakes venture, but those skills become obstacles to governing in a Democracy during a period when the public demands transparency.

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 “I am better than you”

There is a growing sentiment among Democratic legislators that the Governor has a “I am better than you” attitude. Raimondo who was educated at Yale, Harvard and Oxford seems to intentionally or unintentionally exude superiority.

As one legislator told GoLocal at the request of anonymity, “The only thing worse than her being pompous is when she tries to act like she is ‘just like everyone else.’ It is insulting.”

The ramifications of the Governor and her staff’s tone is not lost on legislators. Top Raimondo confidant Representative Joe Shekarchi can only do “Shuttle-Diplomacy” so much. 

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Raimondo has announced a series of initiatives to restrict gun ownership in Rhode Island. A corresponding pro-gun control campaign is being funded by Democratic heavy weight Mark Weiner and former Hasbro CEO Alan Hassenfeld.

Raimondo uses the issue of gun control as a fundraising trigger with her supporters. The initiative may be good political fundraising, but will put her at odds with Mattiello, who is a strong gun rights supporter who has received high scores for his voting record on from the gun rights organization.


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