10 Questions About the 2010 Elections

Friday, October 29, 2010


Ten questions about the 2010 Elections: The answers will define RI.

1) Will the rank-and-file GOP/business community get its hands dirty and get out and do the work to take out the numerous vulnerable Democratic legislators in the General Assembly?

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Or, will they complain about union influence after the fact – as they did after the primary when they sat out and let some of their key Democrat allies get beat in primaries?



2) Will voters exercise their anger and fear about the future of Rhode Island and take out their frustration on the Lt. Governor’s office – voting for Healey and thus, eliminating the office? Is Elizabeth Roberts an innocent political bystander?


3) How much of their personal wealth will the Chafees spend? Do voters care? The last millionaire to spend so freely was Bruce Sundlun. He only won two of his five campaigns for Governor.


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4) Have Chafee and Caprio hammered each other so much that the lurking John Robitaille could grab 36% or more and sneak into the Governor’s office?


5) Can a conservative Republican like John Loughlin create enough momentum and beat a traditional progressive Democrat like David Cicilline? Will the Blackstone Valley be the deciding factor? The two TV polls may show this race close enough to be within the margin of error.


6) Can Catherine Taylor raise her profile enough and then be effective at defining the difference between her and Ralph Mollis? Or, does her lack of a knockout issue hold her back? (Could we have three women state office holders?)


7) Can Speaker Gordon Fox hold his majority? Or, is the hype of the loss in the primaries just hype? Could it be that the Democrats who lost were replaced by even more loyal votes?


8) Can a Governor who wins with less than a majority (potentially, less than 40%) effectively lead? Bill Clinton won the Presidency with less than 50% and had a wildly successful first term.

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9) Will Frank Caprio’s verbal slap at the President be more meaningful in the national fight for Congress? De facto, will his nationally publicized outburst be taken by blue dog Democrats as a signal to break from the President on Tuesday?


10) If Chafee wins, does Commissioner Deborah Gist leave? Does that kill meaningful education reform? What will be the impact on Rhode Island’s underperforming public schools?

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