Vision for RI

Monday, October 25, 2010


I believe our best days as a state are ahead of us if we resolve to turn the page on politics as usual and work together to rebuild Rhode Island. By focusing on our inherent strengths, we can make “hope” more than our motto in this state — we can make it our mission.

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If awarded the opportunity to serve as lieutenant governor for a second term, I will continue to be the people’s advocate in state government. I will fight on Rhode Islanders’ behalf for:

• a stronger, more diverse state economy, working to attract new sources of business while actively supporting Rhode Island’s strong small business base;
• quality, affordable health care for all Rhode Islanders;
• honest and open state government that runs efficiently and gets the basics right.
Rhode Island needs a strong, diverse, 21st-century economy that will create 21st-century jobs and support our many small businesses — the backbone of the state’s economy. We must plan to develop new sources of business in collaboration with our universities and hospitals, our growing high-tech and creative communities, and the potential for environmental “green” businesses.


As lieutenant governor, I will:

• Expand my Buy Local RI initiative, which encourages Rhode Islanders to buy from in-state sources and support our independent businesses.
• Be a voice for independent businesses in Rhode Island as chair of the Small Business Advisory Council, working to remove barriers and make government a partner in every business’s success.
• Seek passage of legislation that will create incentives for solar power in Rhode Island, shown to create more jobs per megawatt than other renewable energy sources.
• Support and facilitate the Brown-IBM initiative to bring an IBM supercomputing center to Rhode Island. The world-class research that will take place here as a result will have a tremendous impact on economic development in our state in key areas such as health care, alternative energy and education.
• Make sure that federal health care reform works for Rhode Island businesses, keeping costs down and letting businesses get back to work.
I believe quality, affordable health care should be available for all Rhode Islanders, with an increased focus on prevention and responsible cost containment. I will continue to find ways to implement these measures in our state health care system so that we get national health reform right for Rhode Islanders.

In addition, as lieutenant governor I will:

• Continue to support a strong Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner to keep insurance rates in line with what Rhode Islanders can afford.
• Help implement national reform at a state level, negotiating what any changes mean in light of Rhode Island’s Global Medicaid Waiver.
• Bring health-care stakeholders together to find ways to cut costs and work with all state businesses and families for a sustainable, affordable health care system for Rhode Islanders.
• Create a stronger system of home and community care for seniors and disabled citizens. Medicaid costs are often lower as a result of services provided in a home or community setting, and it helps Rhode Islanders maintain their independence.
• Expand oral health services — one of the top preventable reasons patients end up in emergency rooms — to the elderly, children and working poor families.
I believe we need a state government that gets the basics right without abandoning our most vulnerable residents to do so. We need smart, honest, open government that focuses on our strengths and uses common sense to solve the challenges we face.

We must first, however, disassemble the old, rusted, industrial-era political machinery and retool for a new age of cleaner, simpler, more efficient government. To achieve this:

• I will continue to nurture a sense of common purpose between state and local government. Where we can consolidate, we should. Where we can build alliances we must. Where we can run smarter, we should do so.
• I will continue to work on matters of social justice and to uphold civil rights, including marriage equality.
• I will also continue to be an advocate in state government and act as a clearinghouse for citizens in search of solutions, working to connect them with state resources and officials that can best resolve their issues.
• I believe in bringing the government to the people rather than staying behind closed doors, and will continue to spend time in the communities I serve to best understand and respond to the issues they face.

Rhode Islanders deserve a responsible public servant for their Lieutenant Governor, one who is not only ready to serve but ready to solve problems in our state. My record has proven I’ve used the office to create real value and savings for Rhode Islanders. I’m running for re-election to continue to make a difference for families and businesses, and for our state.


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