EDITORIAL: McKee Ignores Reality — “You Are What Your Record Says You Are”

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


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Governor Dan McKee PHOTO: GoLocal

On Tuesday, a new study came out ranking Rhode Island last — dead last, the worst, behind Mississippi.

According to the study, Rhode Island is the worst place to start a business, even behind West Virginia.

Well, Governor Dan McKee and legislative leaders probably have faults with the methodology utilized by WalletHub.


So, let’s look over at that pesky CNBC study.

McKee ignores this analysis, too, in which Rhode Island ranked 45th. But the big news is we beat both Mississippi and West Virginia this past year, according those metrics. 

The Governor tries the rah-rah approach. In his State of the State speech delivered Tuesday night, he cheerleaded:

Over the last three years, we’ve risen to that challenge. We’ve shown that it’s our turn.

That we can compete.

That we will compete.

And that if we work together, all we can do is succeed.

But the reality is that Rhode Island is not competitive. It is finishing last, or nearly last, in every small business study.

Another coach, Hall-of-Fame football coach Bill Parcells, said, “You are what your record says you are.” 

It is a truism.

Visual Capitalists ranks Rhode Island 45th for business as well. Mississippi ranks 50th, but ugh, Rhode Island even lost to West Virginia, who finished 44th.

In McKee’s, Shekarchi’s, and Ruggerio’s State House world, that study is probably flawed, too.

Chief Executive magazine's study ranks Rhode Island 35th. That publication ranks states as the best places to locate a business. Well, 35th sounds pretty good. It's not even near the top half of the country, but heck, let's call that a victory.

And, the Tax Foundation ranks Rhode Island 41st — for the worst tax burdens for businesses.

According to McKee’s State of the State, he is going to increase everyone’s per capita annual income by $20,000 in the next six years. He just provided no specifics.

And to help our bottom-ranked small businesses, he is going to help them by cutting their costs by $50. No, really, fifty bucks.

"I will call for reducing the corporate minimum tax from $400 to $350 – this tax impacts our state’s smallest businesses the most. Let’s give them more relief," said McKee in his speech.

The $50 savings should certainly make lemonade stands run by seven-year-olds more viable. That will move the needle. 

All these business studies and rankings based on comparative data must be flawed, according to McKee and State House leaders. 

But the reality is RI's environment for small businesses is ranked at the bottom. 

“You are what your record says you are.” 

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