EDITORIAL: Rhode Islanders Saved Christmas for Kids Needing Gifts - It’s a Wonderful Life

Sunday, December 24, 2023


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Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life"

It is a modern Frank Capra tale. Just five days before Christmas, a local non-profit contacts GoLocal saying that hundreds of children — 700 to 800 — still need gifts.


Family Services of Rhode Island’s CEO Margaret Holland McDuff — she plays the role of George Bailey  — reached out in a little bit of panic that her group has been hit by record demand for gifts just days before Christmas.


The gap was more than $50,000 worth of need.

GoLocal played the role of “Uncle Billy” and spread the word around Rhode Island, a community just a tad little bigger than Bedford Falls.

Well, the Christmas miracle took place as hundreds of Rhode Islanders broke out their credit cards, fished through the couch cushions, and more than $50,000 was raised and hundreds more gifts were purchased and dropped off.

Little ones who needed the basics, kids hoping for Legos, and teenagers hoping for a gift card or a pair of sneakers are all getting something for Christmas.

“We reached out to our friends at GoLocalProv and other partners for help. And suddenly, this wave of kindness began. All over the state, families stepped up and said, we can do a little more, we can help another child. And the donations began to pour in. Amazon trucks with wishlist items began to magically appear at our office, we got phone calls from Board members and their friends, from industry partners, from moms and dads across the state wanting to help, and they dropped off carloads of toys and new winter coats,” reported McDuff on Saturday.

"By this morning [Saturday], we have had raised more than $52K for gifts for infants and teens, and all of those in between; and we have delivered to more than 1,000 Rhode Island children all across the state and will continue to help them throughout the holidays…and all year round," she said.

“This morning, I sat down and cried tears of joy and gratitude,” said McDuff.

There was no word about hearing any bells, but for sure Rhode Island stepped up.

Sometimes, it is a wonderful life.

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