UVA Prof. Lawless: Biden’s Growing College Problem and Trump’s Trial

Friday, April 26, 2024


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Jennifer Lawless, Chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Virginia PHOTO: File

University of Virginia Professor Jennifer Lawless, who chairs the Political Science department, discussed the biggest issues in American politics on GoLocal LIVE — including the trial of former President Donald Trump. 

“What David Pecker has been able to do and what he's continuing to do is highlight very specific examples where Trump, Michael Cohen, and David Pecker together discussed catching stories that were negative about Donald Trump and killing them and publishing stories that were negative about Donald Trump's opponents,” said Lawless.

“What David Pecker is doing is setting up the landscape that is the general scaffolding for Donald Trump's crimes, and you know he's quite calm. He does not want to be there. It doesn't look like Donald Trump hates him or is directing venom toward him, and as a result, he's a pretty compelling witness,” said Lawless



Why the Trial Hurts Trump's Political Chances

Lawless says the trial has not hurt Trump with Republicans, but it may be a problem for him with independents.

“Every single day that his indiscretions regarding 2016 are at the forefront, independent voters are more turned off, and Joe Biden just needs to do as well with Independence in swing districts and swing states as he did in 2020 to get reelected and he's out there on the campaign trail,” said Lawless. "He's in Pennsylvania, he's in Wisconsin, in Michigan, and he's in Florida while Donald Trump is sitting listening to David Pecker."


College Protests

“I just think that college students are not being given the tools and the information that they need to fully understand the conflict. They're also not being given the protections that they would expect on a college campus to protest peacefully. There's obviously a line that they shouldn't be allowed to cross when it comes either to hate speech or threatening other students, but many of the students that are out there protesting are not actually engaging in that, and I think the media have conflated all of those dynamics,” added Lawless.

Lawless said she doubts the protests will damage Biden, but Democrats need to be careful in managing the issue.

“Republicans do have an edge on law and order but I would say that there's a little bit of a difference between what people are seeing on college campuses and what they're seeing in their actual communities and I think that spillover is what becomes relevant. It also matters how the Democrats handle it,” she said.


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