Guest MINDSETTER™ Rob Goldman: Sanders’ Fight Far From Being Over

Thursday, June 16, 2016


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There was bad news coming from this past Sunday’s RI Democratic Party Convention. 

Five more Dems were added to the list of eight people elected as Bernie delegates in the April 26th primary.  An important resolution in regards to “super-delegates” to the Democratic National Convention was brought to the floor.

This resolution is intended to put an end to the decidedly un-democratic position of “super delegate." These positions are held by top elected and party officials. Super delegates are not elected by voters. They can vote for whomever they want at the national convention in Philadelphia next month. The resolution was referred to the RI party’s platform committee where it will probably languish and die unless progressive Dems gain control of the party.


Gov. Raimondo, Congressmen Cicilline and Langevin, and Sen. Reed in their speeches to the party members on Sunday said that Hillary Clinton is the nominee and that Bernie Sanders supporters must unite with them to support Clinton. 

For many months Bernie and his supporters have been saying that super delegate positions are completely un-democratic and must be eliminated, that party insiders should not be anointing Sec. Clinton as the nominee, and that those super delegates in states fairly won by Bernie should vote for him at the convention. RI super delegates Raimondo, Cicilline, Langevin, Reed, Whitehouse, Diaz, McNamara, Mattson, and Montanaro declared months before the RI primary that they were voting for Clinton. 

Raimondo and company were just plain wrong on Sunday. Clinton does not have the 2383 pledged delegates needed for the nomination.  She is 164 delegates shy of that number. There are still 2.5 million uncounted ballots in California. There are law suits in Arizona, Nevada, Iowa, New York, and nationally against the DNC alleging voter suppression and fraud that have yet to be heard or settled. National polls show Sanders as a big winner against Donald Trump and Clinton as a big loser. Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”  This fight is a long way from over.

Bernie Sanders won the RI Democratic Primary election by a wide margin (55% to 43%). It is time for RI’s super delegates to do the right thing. They must cast their votes for Sanders at the convention….or face the political consequences.


 Rob Goldman is President of Living History and a candidate for State Representative in District 11.    


Related Slideshow: 10 Ways Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump Are Actually Similar

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Universal Health Care 

Despite sitting on opposite sides of the aisle, Trump and Sanders essentially share the same healthcare plan. But you don’t have to take our word for it—Ted Cruz, Trump’s chief rival, said himself that Trump and Sanders “have basically the same healthcare plan," in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

"Donald Trump enthusiastically supported the TARP bailout of big banks. I opposed it. He enthusiastically supported Barack Obama's stimulus plan. He thought it should have been bigger. I think it was a disaster and a waste of money. Actually, Donald not only supported both of those, but he argued that Obamacare should be expanded to make it socialized medicine for everyone,” Cruz told Hannity

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Reforming Wall Street

Both candidates have made serious noise talking about reforming Wall Street. Bernie Sanders has just about made his whole career on taking on financial kingpins, and has attracted many young fans in the process.

While the uber-capitalist Trump may seem like the candidate to take on his fellow one-percenters, his words say something different. Trump blasted hedge fund managers on CBS, saying they are “getting away with murder,” on CBS’ “Face the Nation" in 2015.

"The hedge fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky,” Trump said.

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They Don't Take Money from Wall Street

It’s not just that the candidates criticize Wall Street and big banks—plenty do that. But Trump and Sanders back up their tough talk by not attracting campaign donations from those same financial institutions.

Sure, Hillary Clinton has taken aim at the major financial mavericks during her time on the campaign trail—what self-respecting Democrat hasn’t? But a closer look at her campaign financials shows that she isn’t putting her money where her mouth is.

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Their Campaigns are Populist Movements

Neither Trump nor Sanders are what you would call a “party darling.” Both have taken aim at the lions and leaders of their own parties have been unafraid to make controversial statements regarding the political establishments.

Instead, their campaigns have been buoyed by passionate, typically politically apathetic people. People who have finally found someone they  can relate to in the political landscape and someone they feel they can trust. Despite repeated predictions of failure, regular people continue to respond to their campaigns, as both Sanders and Trump remain near or at the polls as the primaries begin.

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The Most Unusual Candidates (Ever?)

Trump and Sanders are certainly the most unusual candidates this year, as both the Republican and Democratic fields contain typical governors, senators and congressman vying for the ultimate government job. It goes one step further, however—they may be the most unusual candidates a Presidential campaign has ever seen.

Sure, Trump isn’t the first rich eccentric to take a run at the Oval Office (just google Ross Perot if you don’t believe us.) But he’s certainly the first candidate to speak about immigrants and other races as he has.

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Massive Crowds

Political candidates of any variety like going where they are wanted. They make sure that there are plenty of warm well-wishers to make campaign events see exciting and full.

Trump and Sanders, however, seem to be able to attract raucous crowds that are more akin to rock concert or playoff game than a political rally. People come in costume, dressed as their favorite candidate. Teenagers, even though they cannot cast a vote, turn out in full face paint to support their candidate.

It’s happened all over the country. Record-setting crowds packed the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon and thousands filled the DCU Center to see Trump in Worcester, Massachusetts. Everywhere these candidates go, people rush to see them.

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Lots of Small-Money Donations

Typically, leading Presidential campaigns are powered by big money donations, but that’s not the case for Trump and Sanders.

As Graphiq shows us below, Sanders and Trump are one and two, respectively in the amount of campaign donations under $200—a sure sign of grassroots support.

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Real Talk

How often do you watch and listen to a political speaking, and find yourself drifting off to sleep or reaching for your iPhone?

That rarely seems to be the case when Trump or Sanders are on the mic. You never quite know when Trump will insult an entire religion or ethnic group in one thirty-second soundbite. 

Not to be outdone, Sanders folksy and frantic style of speech has attracted attention—and plenty of jokes and memes—from all across the internet.

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 Slated for Failure

Since the first day that each candidate announced their campaign, the political intellectual and elite have told everyone that they just don’t stand a chance. Trump and Sanders are too controversial, their too radical and they are too inexperienced. How many times did political analysts or other talking heads say they would be out of the race before the first votes are ever cast?

Yet here we are, just a few days away from the first caucuses and primaries. Neither Trump nor Sanders are out of the race. Neither is on their dying breaths. They are thriving. And, as you’ll see in our next slide, they are winning

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Leading in Iowa (and New Hampshire!)

If the latest polls are to believed these massively unusual candidates—one socialist, one real estate magnate/reality tv star, both with tons of small donations, both told they never had any chance—will be making victory speeches in Iowa and New Hampshire soon.

According to CNN, Trump has an 11 point lead among Republicans and Sanders an eight point lead among Democrats in Iowa just a few days before the caucus.

And in New Hampshire, as you’ll see below,  Trump and Sanders have double digit leads as we approach the first true primary.


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