Don Roach: RI Politicians Don’t Know Jack About Business

Wednesday, May 01, 2013


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Who am I kidding?

You’re already know RI politicians don’t know anything about business. It’s not like we’re the bastion of big business where companies are jumping all over each other to find their way to Rhode Island. It’s not like we’re growing small businesses as mom & pop shops spring up on every corner. Whether it’s 38 Studios or casinos or whatever, it seems like RI politicos are always making the wrong move at the wrong time as our neighbors laugh at us. Massachusetts tries to make Boston a commutable distance for every Rhode Islander in the state while our politicians debate “jobs programs” and getting federal grant money to do something. It’s sad.

It’s almost redundant to write this today, because of course our politicians don’t know jack about business. Don, thanks captain obvious.


I know, I know but is there any hope for us?

Probably not after reading that Hasbro has laid off workers recently despite a deal brokered by our governor to give them a tax break if they hire a certain number of workers by 2014. The most interesting (and telling) quote in the article comes from Wayne Charness, Hasbro’s Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, who said, “If we meet [the jobs] requirements, we will apply for the $1.6 million in tax credit incentives from the state. If we do not meet them, then we won’t apply.”

I laughed out loud when I read that. I’m not sure if Charness meant to be coy, but how can you read this in any other way than “hey RI, we don’t care about your $1.6 million tax credit, we’re trying to run a business here. If we bring jobs we do, if we don’t…aww shucks.”

After laughing for a minute, I just shook my head because our politicians refuse to develop a comprehensive plan that will attract businesses. We have these one-offs with Hasbro, Fidelity, 38 Studios, Brown, and other notable companies, but I’m talking about a bona fide plan that seeks to bring businesses here, large and small to Rhode Island.

It doesn’t have to be the company that brings 100+ jobs but why not create a culture that attracts companies with 1-20 employees, the small business people? It just needs to be a coherent plan, one that citizens can get behind and one that has a chance of succeeding.

I think I’m speaking on behalf of all Rhode Island when I say that if someone can present such a plan to us, we’ll rally around that person or people in 2014. Forget party affiliation, it’s about job creation.

Politicians, once again another resident is asking you to do more. The next move is yours.

Don Roach can be reached at [email protected].


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