RI PowerPlayer: Leah Williams Metts

Monday, November 18, 2013


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PowerPlayer Leah Williams Metts

Each week, GoLocal shines the spotlight on one individual who is making an impact on Rhode Island. This week, GoLocal sat down with community activist Leah Williams Metts, who has been an active supporter for Providence children -- and recreational opportunities.

Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, Leah.  Tell us -- how did you become both an activist and leader in the community?

"My first recollections of leadership were as a child. My mother was a single, hard working parent, and I was often called upon to care for my younger siblings. I was a lifeguard and swim instructor at Davey Lopes pool, as well as Senior Class president at Hope High School in 1995.

Growing up in a one parent household was difficult as a child, but I was fortunate to have a very positive and supporting mother. I watched her raise three children on her own while somehow managing her continuing education and a successful job. It's role models like her and my cousin, current State Senator Harold Metts, that made me feel as though I could make a difference in my community and in this world.


I knew that in order to make a difference I would have to be a leader, and stand up for what I believed in. I made the decision to become an activist for my children and the children in my community, because I know, often, they don't have a voice in political decisions. We, as adults, have to stand up for them. They represent our greatest resource as well as our future.

This summer was one of the hottest on record. It was also one of the most violent summers I can recall. There was a murder of a 19 year old boy only a few houses away, and a shooting right at my door step. The Davey Lopes pool was closed, and I witnessed lots of kids playing in the streets of South Providence in open fire hydrants.

I decided to speak out and make people aware of this issue."

In your opinion, what are the three biggest issues facing the City of Providence right now?

"One, education. Two, children's recreational services.  And third -- violent crime." 

Take us through a day in your life

"I generally awake at 6 A.M. with my teenage son, who goes to School One. He is on the Autism spectrum and his social, emotional mentor arrives at that time to work with him on Social and Organizational skills.

At 7 A.M, I get my 9 year old son prepared for his day at Community Prep. He was born with a congenital health defect called Hirschsprung's Disease which requires extra preparation and care. I then wake my two youngest children, one who is in Kindergarten and my beautiful 2 year old daughter, Morningstar.

Following that I work on marketing and event planning for several hours. I spend some time organizing my current caseload as a C.A.S.A. volunteer. The next few hours vary from day to day. My work with NAACP, Ray Rickman's group Swim Empowerment, Davey Lopes pool alumni, and other local foundations always keep my busy a few hours a week each. Then I'm in meetings in the later afternoon and many times in the evening with various elected officials and community organizers advancing my causes. I also always find time to pick my little ones up from school and spend quality time hearing about their day over dinner."

Tell us something people might not know about you. 

"My ethnic background is Native American, African, Asian, and European. My mom is African and European, and my father is Asian, Native American and African."

Role models?

"State Senator Harold Metts, my mom Beatrice Metts, and Ray Rickman."

Favorite Rhode Island Restaurant?

Capital Grill

Favorite Elected Officials?

My favorite elected officials are Harold Metts, Congressman James Langevin, and Mayor Angel Taveras for listening to the community, stopping the cementing of the pool and working on opening it for the children for this summer!

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world today, who would it be?

Dinner with the Dalai Lama.


Related Slideshow: 10 Questions Taveras Has to Answer When Running for Gov of RI

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#10 Fundraising

Can Taveras Keep Up with the Big Boys and Girls in Fundraising?

In America today, one issue that is a factor in nearly every election is fundraising. To date, Taveras has yet to demonstrate any consistent ability to keep up with the leading fundraisers in RI.

Taveras will have to compete with General Treasuer Gina Raimondo, who has $2 plus million on hand and a likely run from Clay Pell (grandson of US Senator Claiborne Pell and whose wife is Olympic skater Michelle Kwan).

Raimondo is on pace to raise $5m and Taveras presently has just $692,000 on hand and would be on pace to raise less than $2 mliion. 

Pell's family has access to nearly limitless dollars - back in the 1990's Pell's grandfather was ranked as one of the wealthiest members of Congress.

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#9 Curse

Can Taveras Break the Providence Mayor's Curse?

For more than 60 years, no Providence Mayor has been successful running for Governor of Rhode Island. You have to go back to the 1950 election when Dennis Roberts was elected Governor.

Since Roberts, a number of Providence Mayors have taken their shot at running for Governor and each has failed mightily.

Most notably, Buddy Cianci's run against J. Joseph Garrahy - Cianci got less than 30% of the statewide vote.

Joe Paolino was expected to win the Democratic primary in 1990, but was beaten badly by Bruce Sundlun and then Warwick Mayor Frank Flaherty.

Sundlun went on to win the general election and Flaherty was later named to the state Supreme Court.

Taveras will have to break a very long curse.

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#8 Hire or Fire

Can Teachers Trust Taveras - and Will Voters Trust His Relationship with the Teachers Unions?

In the midst of the city's political meltdown, Taveras just into his first few months in office fired all the teachers in Providence.

Taveras received strong public support, but within months he capitulated to pressure from the teachers' unions.

Three years later, he is emerging as the candidate of the teachers' union leadership. Will teachers trust him in a statewide race and will voters trust him if he is perceived as too close to union bosses?

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#7 Hispanics

Will Hispanics Vote as a Block in the Primary for Taveras? Are They Influential Enough in the General?

Conventional wisdom is that Angel Taveras will get a big boost from the Hispanic voting block in the primary, but more recently Council members Luis Aponte, Danian Sanchez and Sabina Matos have all openly battled with the mayor on his tax increases and efforts to close pools in low income wards around the city.

While Taveras can rebound and the impact may be large in the primary, the percentage of voters who are Hispanic in the general election is just 7% according to Pew Research:

  • Rhode Island’s population is 12% Hispanic, the 13th largest Hispanic population share nationally.
  • There are 54,000 Hispanic eligible voters in Rhode Island—which ranks 35th in Hispanic eligible voter population nationally. California ranks first with 5.9 million.
  • Some 7% of Rhode Island eligible voters are Hispanic, the 13th largest Hispanic eligible voter population share nationally. New Mexico ranks first with 39%.
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#6 Temperament

Can Taveras Handle the Campaign Pressure and the Office Pressure of Governor?

Taveras had no experience as a chief executive in business or government before taking office in 2011 in Providence. He has increasingly gotten into some very non-productive scrapes.

In 2012, his law office delivered a document to GoLocalProv as part of a FOIA request and those documents included the social security number of every retiree of the City. Instead of taking responsibility he sent his lawyers to court to try to block GoLocal from writing about the mishandling of social security numbers. The judge ruled against Taveras.

In 2013, Taveras has tried to demolish a commuity swimming pool in South Providence because, according to Councilman Danian Sanchez, Sanchez would not vote for Taveras' tax increase.

Will Taveras be able to prove to voters he has the right stuff?

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#5 Base outside Prov

Can Angel Taveras Build a Political Base Outside of Providence?

While Taveras has a strong political base in Providence, it is unclear if he can build a strong political network in critical Democratic strongholds like Woonsocket, Pawtucket, East Providence, Johnston and North Providence.

It is well known that both Democratic Mayors in North Providence and Johnston have had a strained relationship with Taveras.

This strain has played out over critical matters like mutual emergency aid and in 2012, North Providence, Johnston and East Providence all cancelled emergency aid compacts with Providence.

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#4 Women Voters

Can Taveras Compete for Women Voters?

When Taveras ran for Mayor he won the critical block of East Side Democratic women. Part of his success with this critical block of voters was the support he enjoyed from Democratic power Myrth York. 

The two-time Democratic nominee for Governor went all in for Taveras in 2010, but she no longer is active in the inner circle and reportedly would have supported Governor Lincoln Chafee in the primary.

Taveras will need to compete with Raimondo who has already signed former EMILY's list bigwig Kate Coyne-McCoy.

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#3 Star Power

Can Taveras Keep Up with Clay Pell's Star Power?

In 2010, Taveras ran under the motto of "from Head Start to Harvard."  His claim on the American dream proved a successful juxtaposition to two Democrats who had the same political base - Federal Hill (Steven Costantino and John Lombardi).

Now, Taveras may face the fresh-faced Clay Pell. His bio exceeds Taveras as he can claim the legacy of his grandfather's work and hit the circuit with his superstar wife, Olympian Michelle Kwan.

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#2 Issues and Vision

Can Angel Taveras Articulate a Vision for Rhode Island?

Taveras earned good scores for managing the City of Providence's financial crises, but never seemed to develop major policies for economic development, schools, parking, crime, reducing the cost of government or improving the efficiency.
The Superman building's closure happened on his watch, technology company Dassault Systèmes is moving out of Providence, and no major employers were recruited into the city other than the scrap yard on Allens Avenue.
Taveras will need to define a forward looking vision for Rhode Island.
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#1 Crime and Education

Can Taveras Explain His Record on Crime and Education?

The biggest problem for Taveras is his record in Providence.
Most people care about the basics - their jobs, education for their children, how safe their neighborhood is.  These vary questions could be Taveras' Achilles' heel.
According to GoLocal's study of the FBI crime data, Providence is ranked #2 for violent crime per capita in Rhode Island.
The condition of Providence's schools may be worse. Of the 24 schools ranked as poor (de facto failing) in Rhode Island by the Department of Education, 6 of them were Providence Schools and in the rankings of the best high schools in the state, most of Providence's schools consistently litter the bottom of the rankings.
Taveras lead the city to win the $5 million Bloomberg award. But in a Governor's race one of Taveras' opponents is sure to ask, "Mr. Mayor, are you going to bring the same policies you used on crime and education in Providence to the rest of the state?"

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