video: Rep. O’Brien Shares Video of Campaign Signs Being Stolen in North Providence

Sunday, July 31, 2016


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Rhode Island State Representative Bill O'Brien has condemned a video which purportedly shows his campaign lawn signs being stolen on Hatherly Street on Friday night -- where his Democratic primary opponent Bill Deware resides. 

O'Brien posted the following video above  to Facebook on Sunday; Deware responded with the following.

"I have no knowledge of this incident or anyone involved, this is the first I heard of it," said Deware on Sunday. "As for myself, I can't get around, I'm recovering from my recent hospitalization. Of course, I condemn the action of sign stealing."


"But I think people should be more concerned on the issues than worrying about signs and petty politics, when there are policy issues to debate."

Statement from O'Brien: 

Town residents, especially those of you on Hatherly Street where this occurred, please help me identify these criminals. This has been happening to my signs all summer!

On Friday several of my yard signs were stolen from houses on Hatherly Street. This video, from a house on Hatherly Street, was taken that night. You can see one individual in the group is already carrying several of my signs and then another individual steals one off the lawn after walking by the house.

We deserve free, fair and honest elections. While yard signs do cost money, I am upset because these criminals tried to strip this resident of their voice. Putting up yard signs is a form a free speech protected under the Constitution. To trespass onto this person's property and steal a yard sign violates this resident's First Amendment rights and is very unAmerican. North Providence, I know we love our politics but we are better than this!


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