NEW: Long Lines at Polls on East Side

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


High turnout resulted in long lines and extended waiting periods for voters at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Providence’s East Side, but voters weren’t too upset with having to waiting between 45 minutes and an hour to cast their ballot.

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"45 minutes to me isn't that long, I bet people in New York and New Jersey have had to wait longer,” said Providence resident Jason Hogue. “On the race between House Speaker Gordon Fox and independent candidate Mark Binder for Fox's District 4 seat, that's a close one. I feel that Gordon Fox is probably going to win but I like the idea of giving him a scare to keep him honest."

In the 1st Congressional District race between David Cicilline and Brendan Doherty, Hogue criticized the Republican for running a “dirty campaign.”


“I'm the type who changes the channel when I see political ads that attack the opponent,” he said. “Neither of them have had much to say but I don't want to see another Republican in the house."

Outside of the school, there were plenty of supporters for both Fox and Binder, with Providence School System President Keith Oliveira supporting the House Speaker.

“Gordon Fox has been a strong leader for the state of Rhode Island as well as the city of Providence,” he said. “He takes a strong political position on important issues like pension reform and getting money back to the Providence school system."


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