Guest MINDSETTER™ Sam Lovett: Why I’m Running for State Rep.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Why run for office? Because the decisions made in our state’s governing body matter. Elected officials are given the humbling ability by their neighbors to impact the essential building blocks of life for all Rhode Islanders. Their decisions impact whether our children are able to grow up to be healthy, educated, connected members of a dynamic society, and live productive lives through all their years. This is why I am running for State Representative in the 63rd district. It is a responsibility I do not seek lightly.

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The big issue this campaign season is our state’s chronic unemployment rate. East Providence has borne its share of this pain, but we do have opportunities for overcoming it. We need to couple our business development with our community centers and create spaces where economic and social growth can happen together. This model has already succeeded for the old Rumford Chemical Works — now the Rumford Center — and can work elsewhere throughout East Providence. We need to support businesses that employ our neighbors and create revenue for our communities. We also need to support the many talented young people who want to buy their first homes and put down roots, to ensure that this city’s economy thrives for years to come. It is this sort of holistic and innovative development that strengthens both our society and our economy that will help East Providence take back up its mantle as trendsetter for Rhode Island’s cities and towns.

My commitment to social issues is also a cornerstone of my platform for the House of Representatives. If elected, I will be advocating on behalf of the elderly and disabled, ensuring accessibility for the blind, deaf and hard of hearing, and continuing the good work of the Rhode Island Senate in supporting the homeless. We must also reprioritize education as a major social issue, investing in the people and the infrastructure that made me proud to go through this public school system. There are many people in my community who feel that government does not (and will never) work for them. I am running to try and change the entrenched reasons why people feel forgotten by their state.


As a progressive candidate who grew up in the digital age, I know that we can make our government smarter while also providing essential services to those in need. Governments all over the country are connecting with their citizens more efficiently while cutting the costs of doing so.

As we move to address the social and economic struggles before us, its is imperative that East Providence be represented by a voice that speaks for the entire district. I feel I can be that person. I grew up in this town. I have attended its schools. I have searched for jobs in its economy. I know its strong institutions, and I know what powerful things happen when its residents come together. The decisions we make today about our economic priorities and our social services will dictate what our future looks like. We need to take ownership of these issues and face them head on. I am running for office because I want to play my part in the good work we have ahead — to rise to the issues of our time, and help protect the future of East Providence, and the state of Rhode Island.

Sam Lovett is a Democratic candidate for State Rep. in District 63.


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