Studio Visit with Tayo Heuser - Inside Art with Michael Rose

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


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PHOTO: Michael Rose


Ideas of the spiritual and the cosmic appear in many artists’ work, but multi-talented Rhode Island artist Tayo Heuser’s visual lexicon taps into this interest in a signature way. In recent paintings, Heuser leverages geometric forms and suggested spaces to probe her own interior life and give space to viewers to do the same. Later this fall, Heuser will exhibit alongside artist Jacqueline Ott at the Chazan Gallery at Wheeler School, giving viewers the chance to see her latest work.



Heuser was born in Washington DC but spent most of her childhood living in Africa due to her father’s position in diplomatic service. She came to Rhode Island to attend RISD and now makes art in her spacious mill studio in Pawtucket. Her work has been exhibited widely in venues like the RISD Museum, the Bell Gallery at Brown, the Chazen Museum of Art in Wisconsin, and the Center for Non-Objective Art in Brussels. Artworks created by Heuser have found their ways into numerous public and private collections, including the renowned Phillips Collection in Washington DC, where a piece by Heuser is currently on prominent display. She was also a subject of the popular NetWorks documentary series profiling Rhode Island’s most significant artists.


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PHOTO: Michael Rose


Much of Heuser’s art involves carefully prepared objects, like elegantly constructed paintings defined by surfaces made up of many layers. There are hours of work at play and Heuser’s paintings often take weeks to create. Asked about the nature of her process, Heuser says, “That’s a complicated question because an artist’s process is sometimes inexplicable. The ritual of preparation is important to me. That can be in the long hours of physical preparation with the materials I work with, or taking the effort in quieting my mind so that there is a creative and emotional space to open to inspiration. Sometimes those things even happen at the same time. I continue to search for ways to enter the flow state and be a receiver for the most genuine elements I want to express.”


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PHOTO: Michael Rose


Looking at Heuser’s paintings spread across a long wall in her studio, one finds throughlines like an interest in craftsmanship and design, as well as her unique visual vocabulary of line, shape, and form. Materials like inks, oils, acrylics, gouache, and gold leaf are employed expertly, creating subtle images that have broad appeal. Beyond painting, Heuser has also made drawings, sculptures, works of printmaking, and exquisitely made sculptural works rendered in paper.


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PHOTO: Michael Rose


From November 16 – December 12, 2023, Heuser’s art will be on view alongside work by Jacqueline Ott in an exhibition at the Chazan Gallery at Wheeler School. The show will include an opening reception on Thursday, November 16, from 5-8 p.m. Considering her forthcoming exhibition at Chazan Gallery, Heuser does not want to define how visitors should experience her work, but hopes to give audiences space. She says, “Well, abstract art by its nature is subjective and I have no interest in telling people on how to experience my work. But I hope my work can provide a quiet space, away from the noise. All art asks is that you spend time with it.”


Spending time with Heuser’s artworks offers a meditative retreat. They are the product of the artist’s own rich creative process but are also doorways to new ways of seeing. Ethereal in outlook, they are singular in execution. In short, they are a delight to view.


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PHOTO: Michael Rose


Asked what it means to her to be part of the Rhode Island art community, Heuser reflects on friendships she has made, saying, “Making art, especially in the studio and the sort of work I do is by nature a solitary work environment. My circle of friends is comprised by either artists or are in the arts and provide sources of support and inspiration. Even if they don’t influence my work directly; I am grateful for their input, vision, and comradery.  Supporters in the arts are invaluable to an arts community. For instance, a crucial backer and advocate for the arts in RI is Dr. Joseph Chazan. His support for artists and art institutions has been unwavering, characterized by his compassion. I am thankful to be a part of such a thriving community in RI.”


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PHOTO: Michael Rose


An artist producing some of the region’s most immediately recognizable work, Heuser is an accomplished creator who has earned acclaim and a reputation for thoughtfulness and depth. Her studio is a place of creation and reflection, and her upcoming exhibition promises to bring this engagingly introspective art to new viewers.


Learn more about Tayo Heuser at her website

Michael Rose is a multi-talented fine art professional based in Southern New England. Since 2014 he has served as the gallery manager at the historic Providence Art Club, one of the nation’s oldest arts organizations. Through his current freelance work he advises collectors and artists, provides appraisal services, teaches, and completes curatorial projects.


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