Modern Pools Celebrates 50 Years

Saturday, August 13, 2011


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Fifty years is a long time. Needless to say, if you are around for half a century, you must be doing something right.

And Robert Silvestri, president and founder of Modern Pools, has been making all the right moves right here in Rhode Island. Modern Pools is a family-run operation that has been constructing quality pools and hot tubs for 50 years. Located in North Providence, Modern Pools' goal has always been clear: to translate their passion to their customers, and share the joy and togetherness that comes with enjoying the universal joy of a swim or relaxing evening in a hot tub.

The Silverstris are prime examples of the best in locally owned, family business. “Our Rhode Island roots run deep,” said Christa Castrignani, Robert's granddaughter. “We have been living in Rhode Island for three generations. In the early 1900’s, our family came to America from Italy to achieve the American Dream; they were in search of a better life for themselves and future generations.”


Family to family

That kind of generational longevity has paid off in connections that are essentially familial. “One rewarding aspect of having a family-owned business in Rhode Island,” Christa said, “is the fact that it gives our family a chance to connect with other families in the community. When they walk through our doors, we are not only welcoming them into our store; we are welcoming them into our family, too.”

Treating customers like family is a priority at Modern Pools, and one of the main reasons why the business carries on in the midst of a recession. Modern Pools strives to “nurture and further strengthen the bond we share with our customers," said Christa. "Just as our years in business spans half a century, so do the relationships with many of our customers.”

And half a century in business offers ample opportunities for nostalgia as well. People regularly come back to Modern Pools saying, “I bought my first pool from you twenty years ago and we’re still enjoying it!” or “I remember coming in here with my parents when I was a kid, and now I’m the parent taking my kids here with me to get supplies for our pool."


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