Don’t Miss: ShelterWalk 2012 For Homeless Families

Friday, September 28, 2012


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More than 400 people stepped out to help homeless families in last year's ShelterWalk in Woonsocket. It's time to lace up those sneakers again.

Get ready to throw on your walking shoes and help raise much-needed funds for homeless families in Northern Rhode Island. Family Resources Community Action's 24th Annual ShelterWalk  will be held on October 13th 2012 at River Island Park in Woonsocket. This fun, festive community-wide event benefits the Woonsocket Shelter and homelessness prevention programs.  Over 400 people participated in last year's event, including walkers from 23 teams from area schools, churches, organizations and businesses.

Registration begins at 9am, and the walk kicks off at 10am. Proceeds from this event support the Woonsocket Shelter and homelessness prevention programs. In addition to addressing emergency needs, families are connected to supports such as employment training and financial literacy to help them transition to safe, permanent housing.

Individuals, families and teams from schools, churches, businesses and neighborhoods are encouraged to participate. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For more information about how to get involved as a sponsor, walker or volunteer, please visit or contact Wendy Pires at 401-235-6096.


The Woonsocket Shelter

The Woonsocket Shelter is one of the largest emergency shelter and transitional housing programs in Rhode Island. In addition to emergency shelter, residents receive services such as case management and life skills training, and are linked to employment & training programs, financial literacy, health services and parenting skills training--supports needed to transition to safe, permanent housing.

One family's story

Alissa's struggles with substance abuse had led to many losses over several years...her job, home, and most heartbreaking, the temporary loss of custody of her young son. After a period of sobriety, and without a place to live, Alissa sought refuge at the Woonsocket Shelter, and then at the Women's Recovery House, a permanent supportive program for women with substance use concerns. She was determined to do whatever it took to get her son back.

Like many people who struggle with substance use, the road to recovery was not without bumps along the way. "I realized I needed to reach out to my support system. I used every resource I could," she said. In addition to the shelter and recovery house, Alissa received assistance from a recovery coach through FRCA's Visitation Center as well as substance abuse counseling. She was linked to other community resrouces including a support group, nutrition classes, counseling for her young son, and basic needs supports for clothing and food.

With a support network around her, Alissa transitioned to her own apartment through the permanent supportive housing program. She reunited with her son, has welcomed a baby daughter, and is in a relationship with someone who is supportive and a role model for her children. "I am so thankful for the help I got," she said. "I am motivated now. I am interested in more things. Everything has changed. My goal is to stay positive. I want to succeed to a point I never though I ever could."

For more information on The Woonsocket Shelter, plus how to get involved, go here.

And for more Lifestyle coverage, don't miss GoLocalTV, fresh 24/7, here.


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