NEW: Free Flu Shots for Uninsured Rhode Islanders

Thursday, November 03, 2011


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"The flu is a serious illness." --Michael Fine, MD

First Lady Stephanie Chafee, a registered nurse, and Director of Health Michael Fine, MD will be vaccinating Rhode Islanders at a no-cost flu vaccination clinic on Saturday, November 12.
Both Chafee and Fine are, in particular, urging Rhode Islanders without health insurance to be vaccinated against the flu at the clinic. The clinic will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cathedral of Life Christian Assembly in Providence. No one will be charged for a vaccination at the clinic, whether or not they have health insurance.

"Everyone should be vaccinated..." --Director of Health Michael Fine, MD

“Anyone can get the flu, and the flu will keep you home from work or school for at least a week,” said Director of Health Michael Fine, MD. “The flu is a serious illness and can be even more serious for the elderly, the very young, and anyone who has a chronic illness. The lack of health insurance or a fee for vaccine administration should not prevent Rhode Islanders from taking this essential step to protect themselves and their family members. Everyone should be vaccinated against the flu, particularly pregnant women, healthcare workers, the elderly, and people with chronic medical conditions, such as asthma or diabetes.”
The church is located at 1860 Westminster Street, in the Olneyville section of Providence. Both adults and children are welcome, but children must be older than six months of age to be vaccinated. People who attend the clinic are asked to use the church’s Troy Street entrance. The clinic will be held on the first level of the church (the facilities are wheelchair accessible). People who are insured are asked to bring their insurance cards.
Any child who cannot attend the clinic on November 12 can attend a school-located flu vaccination clinic. (If the date of a child’s school-located flu vaccination clinic has already passed, that child’s parent or guardian should contact the HEALTH Information Line at 401-222-5960.) There are no fees or insurance requirements at school-located flu vaccination clinics.

For information about influenza or clinic schedules, contact HEALTH’s Information Line at 401-222-5960 / RI Relay 711.


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