5 DIY Spa Treatments

Friday, October 29, 2010


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Getting away with the girls for a day at the spa can be invigorating–and expensive. The fact of the matter is, it’s counterintuitive to spend dollars luxuriating if all you can focus on is how much all the pampering is going to cost you. Indulging at home is a wise compromise when the purse strings are particularly tight and can be a smart way to stretch time in between professional treatments. Here are five great ways to recreate the spa at home.

1. About Face

This time of year, temperatures are dropping and skin is reacting. Jen Syverson, a stylist, colorist and esthetician at Salon Bianco in Providence said skin can start to feel dull and recommends Bioelements’ Pumice Peel (sold at the salon), a manual microdermabrasion treatment that smoothes-away dead cells to brighten skin. Syverson also pointed out that the peel's tiny pumice crystals are much more gentler on the skin than some drug store brands.

2. All Hands on Deck

Dry or overworked hands (over-texting, perhaps?) will revitalize with Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Gel, available at Archbeauty Skin Care Salon & Boutique in Newport. “It contains Hyaluronic Acid, which is the body’s natural hydrator,” said Archbeauty’s owner, Sara Schlieff-Ross. “It also contains vitamin B5, which helps with tissue repair and replenishes nutrients.” The gel is a good investment too, as it can be used on all parts of the body--hands, feet, elbows, knees and dry, chapped lips.


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3. The Finer Things

Syverson recommends Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Overnight Hair Rescue, a repairing and replenishing overnight hair treatment to restore and rejuvenate dry, damaged hair as well as to extend the life of Brazilian blow-outs.

4. Step to It

Pounding the pavement everyday can wreak havoc on your soles, so any chance to relax and put your feet up (with a glass of red wine, perhaps…) should be taken advantage of. Get Fresh Rescue Me Intensive Foot Repair Cream from Beauty and the Bath in Wickford takes care of your tootsies as it is loaded with shea butter and aloe vera, plus skin renewing alpha hydroxy fruit acids.

5. Tea Party

For a from-the-kitchen refresher, Syverson recommends using chamomile to perk up your skin. Rest a pair of warm chamomile tea bags on the eyes, sit back and relax, and let the herb’s anti-inflammatory properties reduce puffy eyes. Use cool chamomile tea bags on your cheeks for a soothing aromatherapy session.


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