Super Tuesday: Biden’s Big Night, Sanders’ Stalls, Bloomberg’s a Bust

Wednesday, March 04, 2020


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L-R U.S. Senator Sanders and former Vice President Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden had a huge night on Super Tuesday winning nine states including surprise wins in Texas and Massachusetts.

In Texas, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was expected to win, but Biden stole the state and fundamentally shifted the race.

And, in Massachusetts, according to polls going into the primary, the state was a toss-up between Sanders and the Commonwealth’s senior U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren. But it turned into a big Biden win with 33% of the vote despite not campaigning in the state.


Warren finished third with just 21% of the vote in her own state. Sanders finished second in MA with 26% of the vote.

At 11 AM on GoLocal LIVE: Val Endress, RIC Profesor of Communications will be breaking down Super Tuesday results

Sanders, who is fueled by young voters, failed to increase turnout in most states.  

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Professor Endress on GoLocal LIVE at 11 AM on Weds

The biggest prize is still undecided — California may fall for Sanders — and he may capture the biggest share of the 441 delegates. CNN has not called the race. AP says Sanders has won California.

The outcome of California will determine who is now leading the delegate count.

"The Democratic contest has been transformed almost overnight from one with many candidates and no clear alternative to Sanders into a head-to-head battle that pits a populist insurgent preaching revolution and democratic socialism against an establishment-backed politician calling for modest change and civility and claiming greater electability against President Trump," reports the Washington Post.

According to the New York Times, despite spending $500 million Michael Bloomberg has won just 12 delegates.

Warren is slated to win just 35 votes.


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