2020 Election Profile: Brianna Henries, House District 64

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


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Meet Brianna Henries who is running for election in House District 64 (East Providence). 

Read what she has to say about why she is running for office.

This is part of an ongoing series by GoLocal featuring each of the candidates for House and Senate.


1.  What do you think is the biggest political issue this campaign season in Rhode Island? 

The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in our government ranging from lack of healthcare to underfunded schools to even safely voting. Seeing millions of Americans lose their healthcare during a pandemic because they lost their job, I’ve made universal healthcare a center point in our campaign. Additionally, I know equity is at the heart of the school reopening debate, as not all districts have the same resources to ensure a safe and quality education this fall. As state representative, I hope to ensure zip codes do not determine the quality of any child’s education. Finally, I was disappointed that our state government did not send out mail ballots for people to safely vote in the state primary election. As a state representative, I hope to improve our democratic processes by promoting mail ballots, introducing rank choice voting, and furthering civic education.

2.  What do we need to do to improve Rhode Island's economy?

Decreasing spending on policing and increasing spending on programs such as education, healthcare, and housing would dramatically improve the lives of working class Rhode Islanders. Meanwhile, the state could shift its tax burden from the working class onto the wealthiest Rhode Islanders and corporations. State government works for the people and Rhode Islanders deserve transparency in the budget process around who is being taxed and how the money is being spent. Additionally, the state government has made repeated failed attempts to raise the minimum wage in Rhode Island. As state representative, I commit to improving the economy by ensuring everyone is paid a living wage.

3.  What is the greatest challenge facing Rhode Island as a state? 

It’s no secret that there’s political corruption in Rhode Island. This corruption prevents the state from serving the people’s best interest, and nowhere is this greed more damaging than when it comes to the climate. In the Ocean State, we are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels, and storms like Isaias are only going to become more common. As climate inaction harms poor, people of color the most, climate justice is one of the forefront issues of racial and economic justice. We cannot stand by while politicians work to enrich their business interests instead of facing this challenge head on.

4.  Why are you running for office? What makes you uniquely qualified?  

I am running for office because when I look at my representatives, I don’t see someone who has the lived experiences of my community, and therefore I struggle to trust them to fight for my community. I am a Native American and Black woman who is a member of the working class, and has experienced an eviction and homelessness. I know how hard it is to live off of the

state’s low minimum wage and struggle to find affordable housing. Unlike so many of our legislators, I’ve lived in the systems they govern and I’ve seen and felt how broken they are. I’m running because I want to make a change for my community, not because of corrupt business interests that typically run our politics.

5.  Who is your inspiration?  

My mom is my greatest inspiration. I watched her overcome odds that would normally take someone out. She took the cards she was dealt and made a better story not only for herself, but for her kids. She now uses her experiences to help others find housing resources, which has inspired me to use my experiences to advocate for others as well. My mother’s perseverance has allowed my sister and I to carry on a legacy of being better, achieving more, finding resources, and being advocates for others.


Brianna Henries is a lifelong Rhode Islander and proud East Providence resident fighting for equity in the Ocean State. She is a graduate of Classical High School where teachers told Brianna that she was incredibly bright, but talked too much. Her career teaching theater and her thirteen years working in retail means Brianna knows the impact of a strong education, and that the minimum wage is far too low. Brianna lives in East Providence with her boyfriend and puppy and serves in ministry.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bhenriesri

Website: https://ripoliticalcoop.com/candidates/brianna-henries/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bhenriesri/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhenriesri


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