WEATHER UPDATE: Storm Threatens Evening Commute

Monday, January 28, 2013


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Milder weather comes in later today and with it, a treacherous set of conditions for the evening commute. Photo: NOAA.

Much milder air is headed toward Rhode Island but it looks like we’re going to have to pay.

A swath of nasty weather is out ahead of the surging milder air and I’m looking for it to move in here later today, just in time for the evening commute. A mixture of snow followed by sleet and freezing rain should overspread the area later today. It won’t accumulate a whole lot, say 1”-3”, but it will create treacherous conditions on roads and sidewalks.

All of that should taper to occasional light rain or drizzle later tonight as temperatures finally break above freezing for the first time in over a week. Readings should reach into the 40s on Tuesday with gray skies and the chance of a shower or two. “Brace” for the 50s on Wednesday with some wet weather on the way. Then it’s back into the fridge for the weekend.


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