VIDEO: “These Bridges Aren’t Going to Inspect Themselves” - EP Resident Roasts RIDOT Failure

Wednesday, February 07, 2024



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Mike Sisto (seen here) lights up the state's "bridge inspections" in a hilarious video.

Mike Sisto knows transportation — and he knows the power of humor. 


This week, the East Providence native and retired AAA professional posted a hilarious spoof of a RIDOT “bridge inspection” that garnered tens of thousands of views in just days. 

The “joke” of course comes from RIDOT’s less-than-funny failed management of the Washington Bridge and lane closures on I-195 that has disrupted traffic, and the livelihoods of thousands, since December. 

“Everyone’s bitching and rightfully so. You can actually see people being mentally affected,” said Sisto. “I have a part-time job in Warwick that I was almost going to have to quit. It’s impacted businesses. Everyone’s pissed off.”

And Sisto knows roads. He started as a driver with AAA before working his way up to supervisor, and took an early retirement to care for his daughter who ultimately passed away. 

“She had the same sense of humor as I do,” said Sisto. “Even though she had a serious illness, we’d laugh about it.”


State Incompetence to Comedy Gold 

So Sisto did what he knows best — he grabbed an old AAA jacket, took a Sharpie to "mark it up" as a RIDOT employee, and grabbed his son to shoot the video. 

“It literally took 15 minutes. We did it in one take,” said Sisto of pretending to inspect the Potter Street bridge that spans I-195.  "These bridges aren't going to inspect themselves!" 

Sisto said he wasn't trying to make light of the situation, but provide some levity during a difficult time. 

“Everyone can point fingers but the fact of the matter is the bridge is still down, and there’s nothing that’s going to change that,” said Sisto. “You can fire everyone in government but it’s still down.”

And Sisto said he personally knows a number of RIDOT workers, and the video wasn’t intended to be a “put down” of anyone. 

“One called me when he saw the video, and said he was laughing so hard he was crying,” said Sisto. 

Along with the bridge traffic, Sisto said he is taking the reaction to the video in stride. 

“Everyone’s in the same boat,” he said of dealing with the Washington Bridge failure. 


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