Smiley Promised “Competency” but Is Struggling With Garbage Collection

Friday, January 19, 2024


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Trash cans are frozen into ice after four days on the streets -- and garbage not picked up. PHOTO: GoLocal

It has been a rough week for Providence Mayor Brett Smiley.

First, his administration struggled with Tuesday’s snowstorm, and for thousands, Monday’s garbage (which was already scheduled for Tuesday due to the holiday) has yet to be picked up as of Friday morning.

For a city with a rodent problem, failure to pick up the garbage for days is bad for public health.



Some city residents have organized and complained about the Smiley Administration's failure to keep neighborhoods clear of illegal dumping.

Smiley, who had promised to run one of the most “competent” cities in America, has been tripped up this week on the basics.

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Some garbage is open to rodents. PHOTO: GoLocal

Thursday, his office refused to answer many of GoLocal’s questions about the garbage issues or the failure of the city’s vendor, Waste Management, to collect the garbage.

The one comment that his communications office said was that the delay could continue.

“Monday's route will be completed by Saturday and all other routes are being completed on a one day delay,” said Josh Estrella, a spokesperson for Smiley.

The city’s contract has expired and the Smiley administration has yet to seek a new contract.

Estrella refused to answer if Waste Management would face any financial penalties for failing to collect garbage for the week.

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Providence Mayor Brett Smiley PHOTO: GoLocal

In an interview in December at his one-year mark, Smiley told GoLocal he was satisfied with how the city was being run. 

“I’m pleased that the accomplishments that we were able to have as an administration were really exactly what I had promised as a candidate and one of the ways in which we I think restore confidence in in government and elected leaders is [about] people doing what they say they're going to do,” said Smiley.

“And so from that respect I think we delivered on a lot of the promises that were made and are making progress towards the others,” said Smiley.

“You know it's a unique job where external events can sometimes set the agenda,” said Smiley.


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