slides: RI District by District Breakdown on Education Costs

Thursday, September 05, 2013


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How much do school districts spend on actually teaching students as opposed to building maintenance, superintendent salaries, debt payments, and other expenses not directly related to the classroom? In the below slides, districts are ranked from those that spend the least to the most on classroom instruction (beginning with the least).

The data, which is for fiscal year 2012, shows the overall budget, what percentage went to teaching, and where the rest was allocated. Overall, about half of the local education dollars spent in Rhode Island makes it into classroom. But individual districts vary widely on the spectrum. They range from the low-end districts that spend slightly less than 50 percent of their budgets on instruction to others that dedicate nearly two thirds of their budget to it. Find out where your district ranks.

Click here to read more about how districts spend their money.


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