RI Food Policy Council Urges Raimondo to Support Food Sector Jobs During Coronavirus Outbreak

Saturday, March 28, 2020


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Governor Gina Raimondo

The Rhode Island Food Policy Council is calling on Governor Gina Raimondo to support food sector jobs in Rhode Island, and the expansion of WIC and SNAP Benefits during the coronavirus emergency.

The Council sent an open letter to Raimondo on Thursday.

Read the Full Letter Below


“We call on you, Governor Raimondo, to identify farmers markets and farm stands as critical infrastructure in the food distribution system during the current health crisis. We encourage creative thinking and resource allocation to help our restaurants stay in business and feed our residents who might otherwise go hungry,” writes the Council in their letter.

They continue, “We encourage Executive Orders to extend WIC and SNAP benefits to protect our most vulnerable neighbors. We promote recognition of the critical role food distribution workers play in our collective health and resilience. To neglect these inclusions will harm not only the economy but also the public health of our state.”

As GoLocalProv has reported, there are currently 132 cases of coronavirus in Rhode Island.

All restaurants are open for take-out only and non-essential businesses were asked to close, or have employees work from home.

Read The Letter Below

Dear Governor Raimondo,

Thank you for your work on behalf of the State of Rhode Island during this time of crisis.

At no time in recent history have we experienced such a great uncertainty about the capacity to feed our population in a healthy and safe manner. No one could have predicted what the richest nation on the planet has seen in recent weeks: grocery stores and on-line food delivery systems facing challenges responding to public demand for fresh and healthy food and a growing crisis of faith among citizens about food access and affordability.

We know that there are many issues involved in feeding our community, but from a policy perspective, we recognize FOUR critical actions that will provide immediate support:


Farmers markets and farm stores play a critical role in feeding our community. Because SNAP benefits are doubled for fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets they combat food insecurity and deliver nutrient-dense produce to our most vulnerable neighbors.

We also know that local farmers and makers, in addition to providing locally-grown food, also provide locally-grown jobs. Thousands work in agriculture in Rhode Island, contributing millions of dollars to our local economy. To lose their contribution would be a crippling blow to the state.

For this reason, it is imperative that the leadership of Rhode Island consider farmers markets and farm stands as vital instruments in feeding our citizens. Massachusetts has already declared farmers markets and farm-related work as essential services. Farmers markets and farm stands around the country have instituted protocols that enable them to serve the public while maintaining the safety of workers. These protocols can be quickly adapted in Rhode Island.


Community kitchens and food pantries are taking a leading role in addressing spikes in demand for food to our most vulnerable populations. As businesses close and paychecks stop coming, this population will continue to grow and, most likely, overwhelm these distribution centers. While federal relief packages provide some support, the number of people who become food insecure will increase. A coordinated effort, private/public partnership, could provide the needed capital and food access infrastructure to support this population while stimulating the food economy. Models implemented in New York and Texas are proving successful in their ability to provide needed jobs while feeding an at risk population. The RIFPC will be exploring how a similar model could work in RI and what public support might be needed to provide an effective statewide strategy. 


In this time of shortages, WIC recipients must be able to substitute items for products not available on shelves. Elderly and other home-bound SNAP recipients should be able to purchase to-go meals from certain restaurants, as is done in California through the California restaurant meals program


“Food distribution workers” (e.g., grocery clerks and stockers, fast food workers, food hub workers, school meal preparers) should be designated as Tier 2 emergency workers. This allows frontline workers critical access to free child care, and means that the caretakers of these people's children are also considered emergency personnel. Vermont and Minnesota have done this. 

We call on you, Governor Raimondo, to identify farmers markets and farm stands as critical infrastructure in the food distribution system during the current health crisis. We encourage creative thinking and resource allocation to help our restaurants stay in business and feed our residents who might otherwise go hungry. We encourage Executive Orders to extend WIC and SNAP benefits to protect our most vulnerable neighbors. We promote recognition of the critical role food distribution workers play in our collective health and resilience. To neglect these inclusions will harm not only the economy but also the public health of our state.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of these issues.


The Rhode Island Food Policy Council


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