Providence Resident Warns of Craigslist Scammer Targeting Renters in RI

Monday, July 23, 2018


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The listing on Craigslist -- which Guertin did not post.

A resident of the City of Providence is warning others who are renting homes to watch out for a Craigslist scam, which saw her property posted -- and responded to -- on Craigslist unbeknownst to her, until potential "renters" showed up unannounced. 

Amanda Demurjian Guertin, who is in the process of purchasing a new home and took to multiple platforms to list the rental of her existing home -- but not Craigslist -- said she was shocked when she discovered someone posted her listing on Craigslist. 

"Just found out that someone posted my house on Craigslist and is trying to scam rent from people. This adorable couple just showed up on my doorstep, they were checking to see if the house was available before sending money to someone they’d never met," Guertin posted to Facebook on Friday. "PSA: Don’t do that. Also, what is wrong with this world!"


From Listing to Scam

"So my realtor did [the listings] all for me -- Zillow and RI Living -- for the rental, and she's the one who initially saw it on Craigslist," Guertin. "She had an open house and people came in saying they heard the house was for rent for $880 [a month] -- we'd listed it for $1500. That was a couple of weeks ago."

"So I went on Craiglist to look for it to take it down but couldn't find it," said Guertin. "Then this morning I hear my dog bark and she didn't stop, so I went to find out. It was a young couple. They said we heard it was for rent -- I'd rented it out last week -- and they said they saw the ad on Craigslist. And the guy wanted the rent for the first month sent to him."

Guertin then said what the couple told her.

"The guy they contacted said there as no one in the house and his 'daughter' Kim -- my realtor, who of course had no idea -- was not there.  So when they saw my car, they knocked. They were so sweet and I felt terrible," said Guertin.

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Warning Rhode Islanders 

"My neighbor told me that she'd seen people coming by when I was out.  My poor dog," said Guertin. "Then it made me really concerned for my safety. People have been on the property, taking pictures, poking in the windows."

"It's a scam. I know Craigslist has on the posts to not send money, but these people are desperate -- some people have to move, you don't know why -- and they have a limited budget, and they see the price listed," said Guertin. "it's not good."

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After telling friends to flag the post, it was removed.

"There's nothing we could have done to prevent this. The realtor I work with is is on the up and up," said Guertin. "I guess what I would say is do not send money, ever - you need interaction with a human."

"It's sad. I found previous apartments, roommates, and furniture on Craigslist -- but I couldn't now," said Guertin. "I wouldn't do Craigslist for anything now, except maybe furniture. There has to be a human component."


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