Summer Beauty: Smooth Legs

Friday, July 02, 2010


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Beach season is officially here so it is time to show off those gorgeous gams! Keep your legs smooth all summer long in a variety of ways… see which works best for you!

Old School Shave

While many women begrudge the razor for other solutions,

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shaving has evolved. With specialty razors made just for women’s curves like Bic Soleil Shimmer Razor, $7, CVS, (which has Cocoa Butter on the moisturizing strip!), shaving is easy and something you can do daily. Lather up with a shaving cream or gel to soften hair and make it easier to lop off (we love Eos Ultra Moisturizing Shave Cream Multi-Pack, $12 for 3 cans, Target). Also change blades regularly as dull blades cause nicks. Takes about two minutes.
Tips for a smooth shave: Exfoliate first to remove dead skin cells using a body scrub, loofah or face cloth! If you get a nick by accident, rub some aluminum-based deodorant on the cut to stop bleeding instantly.


Wax On, Wax Off

A fabulous way to keep legs smooth longer is to get them waxed. Most spas offer a half- or full-leg wax and the results are impressive. The only downside is the hair has to be at least ¼ inch long which can be cumbersome if you are itching to wear a bathing suit! Takes about a half hour depending on the spa. You can head over to Spadyssey Providence Day Spa to get your legs done for $75. Or wax at home with easy-to-use kits like Bliss Poetic Waxing At-Home Hair Removal Kit ($45, Sephora at Providence Place Mall).

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Tips for waxing: If your pain threshold is low, take some headache medicine about a half hour prior to your appointment. It will help you deal with the pain so you can focus on your luscious legs!

Wash Hair Away

Gone are the smelly days of rotten-egg-smelling hair remover creams. Companies like Nair have reformulated their products to make them easy to use with much more pleasing scents like Cocoa Butter and Baby Oil ($9, drugstores). Simply apply cream to dry skin without rubbing in, wait no more than 10 minutes and rinse! Takes about 10 minutes.
Tips for depilating: If you have sensitive skin, best to do a test run 24 hours before you plan to do a full application. If redness or irritation pops up, skip that product ASAP!

Zap It

If you are looking for the longest term solution for smooth legs, laser hair removal is the way to go.  It can be pricey in both time and money but the results may be worth it to you. Check out Skinsational Laser Center in Providence (521-0303) for more details.
Tips for laser hair removal: Do your research. This is less a spa treatment and more a medical treatment so knowledge is power. If it sounds too good to be hairless, it probably is.
So there you go!  The key to summer smooth legs!


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