Organize + Energize: Making a Great First Impression With Customers

Tuesday, February 03, 2015


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You’ve all heard the expression, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This is very important when you own a business in any field. If you have customers visiting your office, this is a must read article. 

 My objective for this article to make you think about some important issues relating to disorganization and the presence of your office.  As you read this article, think about how you feel when you walk into a disorganized office. Does it make you feel uncomfortable, stressed, distracted, overwhelmed, or anxious? How does it make you feel if it is your office? Are you ok with feeling like that? 

If you want to create a great first impression, here are 5 areas of your office that will need attention:


Phone receptionist. This is actually the first person your customer will be in contact with. If your receptionist doesn’t represent your company well, you may be losing customers. This person should be organized, efficient and have a pleasant phone manner. 

Waiting room.  If you have a waiting area in your office, be sure this area is kept clean, neat, and organized. Have a few decorative pieces and a few pictures on the wall and keep a matching décor. Keep magazines contained and organized in a wall organizer. Weed through them on a regular basis and get rid of old magazines. If there is a TV or radio in the room, keep it at a volume where people can hear it, but please don’t blast the volume. 

Front office reception desk. I can’t stress this enough. Be sure that your front office person is organized. Aside from the phone receptionist, this is the second person they will connect with.  You could be super organized, but if the front reception desk is disorganized, customers will have already formed an opinion about the company. This desk will also set the tone as to how the office runs. 

Think about what’s going through customer’s minds. Do you ever think about how new clients feel when they walk into your disorganized office?  If you have paper piles, clutter all over your office, or don’t have any working organized systems in place, your clients will take notice. You may find that as you are speaking with them, they are distracted by your disorganization.  They will be asking themselves if they should go with another (more organized) company.  

Efficiency and productivity.  When a new customer walks into your disorganized office, they will think about the company not returning their calls on time, misfiling their information, or even worse, their information getting mixed in with another client’s information. They want to know the company they are dealing with is efficient, focused, and productive.

Do you find yourself distracted by your disorganization? How long does it take you to find a file, or important information when a client is in your office? Are you embarrassed when they have to sit there and wait for you to search for information or try to remember where it is located? If so, you need to think about getting organized before you start to lose clients.

Walk into your office and write down all the things you want to change. Do you want to re-organize your physical space to make it more esthetically appealing to the eye? Do you need to re-structure your filing systems? Can you see the top of your desk?  Get the piles off your desk and into working filing systems and try to keep as little as possible on the desk.  Does your front office need some new working systems? It’s time to re-evaluate your office on a whole and make some changes that will allow you to save money, have more free time, be more efficient and productive,  and allow your clients to have more confidence in you and your business. 

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Kristin Carcieri-MacRae, the founder and owner of Organizing in RI, has always enjoyed finding creative ways to streamline the environment around her. She has appeared on air on Patricia Raskin's Positive Business Radio and her articles have been published in the Rhode Island Small Business Journal and New England Home Life. Kristin's CD, Organizing Basics, is a 1-hour guide for the person who wants to get organized but doesn't know where to start. She is also available for organizing workshops. Tune into her weekly radio show, Organize, Energize! on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. on


Related Slideshow: 5 Organizing Blunders

Avoid these mistakes and your project will take less time than you expected. You won’t be as stressed or as overwhelmed as you anticipated. You will be amazed at what you have accomplished. You will be motivated and energized to tackle another project.

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Not planning ahead

Getting organized is a process and you have to have a plan on how to conquer your project. You can’t tear apart an entire room all at once. You need to break the project down into small pieces. Plan to tackle your project in 3-hour increments. If you work longer than 3 hours at a time, you are setting yourself up for burnout. Plan ahead to try to avoid distractions and stay focused.

Click here for more tips on how to avoid distractions.

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Purchasing the incorrect supplies

I know you are excited to get organized, but don’t rush out to the store and purchase products just because you like the way they look. Get organized first. Figure out what you need to contain, and then purchase your container to match the items you need it to hold." target="_blank">Click here for more on choosing the right container.

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Not letting others know about your system

Once you set up the organized system, you have to get everybody in your home on board. Show them the systems and how you are going to function with this system going forward. Label everything if you must, so everybody gets in the habit of putting items away. Remember, the simpler the system, the easier it’s going to be to maintain." target="_blank">Need help creating those systems? Go here.

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Not maximizing your space

Use every inch of space and use it well. Take everything out of the area you are organizing. You can’t get a clear visual of the space if it is filled with clutter. Shifting items around is not going to work.

Here are more tips on maximizing your space.

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Repeatedly clearing spaces

You are creating more work for yourself if you continue to clear spaces once a month. Create a system and allow everything in your home to have its own place, and you will never have to clear a space again.

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Kristin Carcieri-MacRae

Kristin Carcieri-MacRae, the founder and owner of Organizing in RI, has always enjoyed finding creative ways to streamline the environment around her. She has appeared on air on Patricia Raskin's Positive Business Radio and her articles have been published in the Rhode Island Small Business Journal and New England Home Life. Kristin's CD, Organizing Basics, is a 1-hour guide for the person who wants to get organized but doesn't know where to start. She is also available for organizing workshops. Tune into her weekly radio show, Organize, Energize! on Mondays at 8:30am on


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