NEW: Bieber Confusion in Providence

Friday, June 17, 2011


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On a dreary Friday afternoon, the city of Providence suddenly came to life with one of the biggest rumors in a while. Innocent pedestrians walking the city streets noticed seemingly excited people of all ages rushing towards the Courtyard Marriott near Waterplace. The walking traffic all seemed to be directed towards two large coach buses parked outside the hotel with a decal on the side which boldly stated, “Bieber.”

GoLocalProv was present to witness these excited Justin Bieber fans approach these busses only to be met with two bus drivers named Dave Cannon and Brian Hess. Cannon and Hess, it turned out were not the drivers of Justin Bieber’s tour bus, but drivers for the bus company, Carl Bieber Tourways. It turns out that these “Bieber” buses were transporting the triple A minor league baseball team, The Lehigh Valley IronPigs, to a road game against Rhode Island’s Pawtucket Redsox. Both Cannon and Hess understand the irony of their company’s name and recounted the comical and the often dangerous encounters of their job.

Running under the Bieber banner

Cannon, who has been driving with “Bieber” for 6 years laughed with Hess, a relative newbie to the business about one of their most entertaining Justin Bieber mix-ups. Cannon recalled how only a day earlier, while in

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Cumberland, Rhode Island, just outside of a church on Route 122, “a young girl started striking poses in front of the bus as her father videotaped. We thought we would be safe from such publicity, especially at a church parking lot.” Cannon and Hess had a string of stories of adoring, clueless fans who believed that their favorite musician was separated from them by mere inches of metal and glass.


Bieber danger!

However, beyond the comedy and irony of such a situation, Cannon said that the whole Bieber situation was also dangerous. "Seriously! It is dangerous,” he said. Cannon recounted arguments he shared with stubborn mothers who believed that the drivers were covering for the real Justin Bieber. Once, he said, the tour busses rolled into Bucknell University only to be met with screaming, intoxicated sorority girls who wanted to see the young superstar. Security had to be called and Cannon had to slalom the bus around the girls just to make an escape. It appears that Bieber Fever isn’t immune to the old as well, for Hess has seen grandparents take countless pictures of the Bieber bus to email to their grandchildren.

Asked if there were any benefits to the company’s “Bieber” namesake, Cannon joked that business has picked up a little bit. However, to really produce a profit, both drivers have a grand plan. “One day we will get a life-size cardboard cutout of Justin Bieber and charge $10 for pictures.” That would be a wonderful way to increase business and make the mix-up a little more ironic and hilarious. Cannon said jokingly about the founder of the business, “I hope Carl J. Bieber is laughing about all of this in his grave.”

Photos: Justin Bieber/Adam Sundana

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