Fit for Life: Undo Your Seasonal Mistakes

Saturday, April 27, 2024


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Every year, I see the same mistakes repeated, and they're more prevalent when spring hits because of the discrepancy in activity between winter and spring. 

Let me explain. 

I love being outside, regardless of the weather. I love the fresh air, the calmness and serenity of my surroundings, and the invigorating feeling I get when I'm outside. Plus, the sun provides vitamin D and elevates our mood when shining bright. 


I have a set-in-stone routine: regardless of the climate, I do something outside every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. I do this for several reasons. 

First, it enhances my discipline muscles by pushing me to go outside regardless of the elements. 

I pick specific days instead of just saying 3 times, so I can't pick and choose the days it's convenient or nice out.

Second, it's good for the soul to suffer through the cold, rain, sleet, and snow. Not being completely sheltered all the time gives me more resiliency and helps me adapt to my surroundings. 

Third, there is no excuse not to. We have gear available to keep us warm and dry, and that eliminates all excuses. "I don't feel like going out in the cold" is not a valid excuse not to burn calories. 

That said, I get frustrated when I go to Lincoln Woods or the Lacrosse track at PC on a nice day in April and can't find a place to park. I think, where were all these "seasonal" fitness fanatics all winter long?

Why was the park empty all this time, and what was everyone doing all winter? Well, as a fitness coach, I look at the condition everyone is in, and it's clear to me that most of the fair-weather warriors were hibernating all winter long and probably not doing much of anything. 

If you were in a gym and working out over the winter, this article doesn't apply to you. Just because you weren't a lunatic like me and a few others training outside all year long doesn't mean you were complacent and lazy. 

This article highlights the seasonal mistakes people make and why it's essential to avoid them at all costs so you can maintain ULTIMATE HEALTH AND FITNESS all year long and avoid the cycle of weight gain/loss that many people experience every year. 

Mistake #1. You get complacent and lazy in the winter, and you do nothing. You fall into a slump due to the weather and darkness that falls upon us at 4:30, and you go home and sit in front of the TV after work. 

You lose motivation and stop all activities that will bring positive results. You use cold weather, low energy, light deprivation, and seasonal depression as an excuse and refuse to exert any energy into improving your fitness levels during this time. (Fun fact: Exercise will actually help this situation on many levels)

The solution for this mistake is to find something indoors that will help you build muscle and burn calories. I get it. Not everyone opts to make themselves suffer like I do and brave the elements to workout outdoors in inclement weather, but you don't need to do that to maintain an adequate fitness level. 

Your duty, obligation, and responsibility is to care for your health and fitness and not let yourself gain unnecessary weight in the winter months, regardless of the external conditions. 

You don't need expensive exercise equipment or a lot of space to pull this off, either. Some dumbbells, bands, or other inexpensive equipment will do the trick. With 30 minutes per day, you could maintain your ideal weight and not need to "get back into shape" or ride this rollercoaster every year, as you will already be feeling good about yourself. 

A better option is to join a gym or a coaching program like Providence Fit Body Boot Camp and get in even better shape. This will help you start the season off way ahead of the game. This is better because you will surround yourself with like-minded people striving for the same result, which increases your motivation and commitment. 

Mistake #2. If you already belong to a gym, you quit when it gets nice outside and rely only on outdoor activities to maintain your physical conditioning. I write about this every year because it's essential to understand that doing this is also a huge mistake and will not net you the results you are after.

I 100% encourage EVERYONE to go outdoors as much as possible and enjoy every fun activity you can fit into your schedule, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF DOING RESISTANCE TRAINING OR HITTING THE GYM. You need foundational strength training year-round to maintain muscle mass and elevate metabolism.

This is something I see and experience every year. 

There are always a handful of members who either try to put their membership on hold or cancel altogether. When I ask why, they say, "I am going to start walking, golfing, riding my bike, etc." 

Unless you are riding competitively, hiking with a rucksack or weighted vest, or swimming laps for time, you will regress and lose what you gained in the "off-season."

Building muscle and losing fat is what defines total fitness, and you will never achieve this without some necessary components to your regimen. 

Yes, walking burns calories and fat; however, without resistance training, you risk depleting or losing muscle mass. When you lose muscle mass, your body composition changes, and not for the better. 

What tends to happen is that your muscle mass decreases, and your body fat percentage increases, even when the scale tells you you lost weight. 

When you lose muscle mass, your metabolism slows down, and when your metabolism slows down, you gain weight back even quicker than you did the previous year, hence the reason it gets more and more difficult to lose unwanted body fat every year. 

Bottom line: To become and stay fit, you must incorporate the four pillars or foundational principles of fitness and do these things consistently, or you will find yourself on a rollercoaster ride for the rest of your life.

They are simple, yet not easy. 

1. Drink water and stay hydrated. 

2. Get to bed and sleep 8 hours nightly. 

3. Hit the gym and do resistance and cardiovascular exercises for 30 minutes daily. 

4. Eat clean non processed food. 

That's it!! Just incorporate these into your life all year; success will follow and stay with you. 

Fitness and health aren't seasonal; they are a lifestyle, and until you adopt these things as part of your life, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of struggle. As a coach, it pains me to see this. 

If you need any guidance in this area, feel free to email me back, and my team and I will set you on the path to success. If you are currently a member, keep hitting those 30-minute HIIT workouts before you take the great outdoors.

Coach Matt


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