Fit for Life: Eat Ice Cream

Saturday, June 15, 2019


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So, it’s here!

The season we’ve all been waiting for.

The season we ate clean, participated in challenges, and busted our asses in the gym for.


It’s the time where we sport our bathing suit bodies, and overall wear less clothing throughout the day, so we can show off all our “off season” hard work.


We did it!

Now what?

For some strange reason, we work hard all year, and say to ourselves “can’t wait for summer, this year I’m gonna be in the best shape of my life”, yet when the time actually gets here, many people fall off track.

Why is this?

We tend to indulge more than we should and feel like it’s ok to abandon our routines.

That’s what happens.

We feel like it’s ok to enjoy cocktails, eat ice cream and blueberry pie, fired dough, clam cakes, chowda, and stuff ourselves full of mayonnaise laden salads at cook outs.

We feel that once we reach our goals, we can fall off our programs, and “enjoy” ourselves to the point of regression.

Just look at the lines at Iggy’s Doughboys, the menu at the beach concession stand, and the fare they sell at carnivals and festivals.

That pretty much explains why many people actually gain weight in the summer, as opposed to maintaining, or getting better.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way.

We have access to great seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as fresh seafood, and now that the weather is nice, access to outside activities.

Here are a few tips for you to implement so that you don’t lose all that you worked for in the “off season”.

Structure and plan your indulgences.

You still need to have a plan and exercise some discipline.

It’s always nice to have a frosty cold beer, or tasty cocktail on a hot day, however you still can’t do it every day and expect to hold onto your results.

Pick one or 2 days max that you have a drink, stick to lower calorie options, and put a limit of 2 drinks on every drinking opportunity. Try to avoid drinks full of sugar and calories by choosing items like Tito’s vodka with a splash of soda water, or cocktails that don’t contain the sugary syrup most drinks contain.

Going out for ice cream?

Again, plan this and only let it happen 1-2 times per week MAXIMUM.

Choose full fat ice cream from a quality creamery over the low-fat yoghurt, and sherbets that are available, and only order a small cup.

Do this for 2 reasons.

1. By removing the fat, more sugar is added therefore making it higher glycemic and causing an unfavorable fluctuation in your blood sugar and insulin levels, which will actually cause your body to store more body fat than eating the full fat version.

2. You will eat a smaller portion of full fat ice cream and still be satisfied, all while consuming fewer overall calories.

Stick with just the ice cream and avoid toppings like Jimmys and hot fudge that are loaded with artificial flavors, colors, and high fructose corn syrup.

Going out for dinner, or a cookout?

Whether you are visiting friends, or eating in a restaurant, you have options.

We have a great selection of fresh seafood this time of year, so items like shrimp cocktail, lobster, grilled fish, and fresh oysters can be enjoyed guilt free.

Gardens are growing rapidly, and fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance, so take advantage and consume more of these tasty and healthy foods.

When you attend a cookout, bring a Providence Fit Body Boot Camp approved dish, and try to avoid the macaroni, potato, and chicken salads that are full of extra calories you don’t need. Also avoid store bought barbecue sauces that are also full of sugar and corn syrup and eat only plain grilled meats and fish.

Top your fish dish with a fruit salsa and wake up with no regret.

Lastly, you need to stick to your workout plan.

Yes, biking with the kids, kayaking, playing a round of golf, tennis, and going for a walk are great things to do, however they are NOT a substitution for a 30-minute HIIT workout at Providence Fit Body Boot Camp.

Yes, they are great EXTRA curricular activities, however I see many people fall off their structured workouts for a more leisurely type of activity, and I say this is a BIG MISTAKE.

Unless you are performing these actions at an intense pace, you are NOT getting the same benefit as a structured workout that promotes muscle building movements.

Remember, it takes muscle to elevate your metabolism, so keep 30 minutes a day available in your busy schedule to attend a boot camp session before you go off and have fun on the bike path.

Resistance training is the ONLY way to build and maintain muscle mass, so make sure you stick to your workout routine!!

So, there it is, a quick, easy to follow outline on how to maintain your physique throughout the summer.

Incorporate these tips and avoid the frustration of regressing all the hard work it took to get you here.

Have fun, enjoy, but be smart about it and you will stroll into the fall better than last year!

Committed to your success,


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Matt Espeut, GoLocal's Health & Lifestyle Contributor has been a personal trainer and health & fitnesss consultant for over 25 years. He is the owner of Fitness Profiles, a one on one, and small group personal training company, as well as Providence Fit Body Boot Camp, located at 1284 North Main St., on the Providence/Pawtucket line. You can reach Matt at (401) 453-3200; on Facebook at "Matt Espeut", and on Twitter at @MattEspeut. "We’re all in this life together – let’s make it a healthy one.


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